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…as police loses two cops to attack

The Enugu State Commissioner of Police, CP Mohammed Ndatsu Aliyu, has ordered the immediate deployment of the Command’s operational and intelligence assets to identify and apprehend the unknown gunmen who attacked and razed the station in the early hours of Wednesday.

Aliyu gave the order during a prompt on-the-spot assessment visit to the station, alongside heads of other security agencies in the state.

Enugu CP visits scene of the incident

Confirming the attack, the Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, ASP Daniel Ndukwe in a statement to newsmen, said the unknown gunmen “without warrant and provocation, violently attacked and set ablaze Adani Police Station today, 21st April, 2021 at about 2.30am,” adding that “the unknown assailants who attacked the station in their numbers were resisted by Police operatives on duty and in the ensuing gun duel, some of the gunmen escaped with gunshot injuries.”

He, however, said that unfortunately, two of the policemen who engaged the criminals were critically wounded and later confirmed dead in the hospital.

“The Commissioner, while commiserating with families and beloved friends of the slain Policemen, who unfortunately paid the ultimate price during the violent attack, has called on members of the public to assist the Police with timely and credible information that will aid the quick identification and arrest of the assailants.

“He further urges residents of the State, especially owners of medical facilities, to promptly report to the Police anyone suspected to have gunshot injuries,” the police spokesman said.


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