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An Enugu based youth activist, Comrade Chukwuebuka Onah, has described the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari as “a failure of success, and successful loss in a country bedeviled with so many contradictions.”

Comrade Onah who was reacting to the rearrest of the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu, via an open letter to the president said the “solution to the problem of Nigeria is as bad as the problem.”

The open letter reads:


The President,
Federal Republic of Nigeria,
His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari
Presidential House,



Mr. President, permit me to convey my sincere greetings to you as I have decided to come up with my opinion openly and without mincing words.

The solution to the problem of Nigeria is as bad as the problem. I have took time to critically examine the process and aftermath result of Nnamdi Kanu’s arrest and illegal detention. It is so important to note that the arrest of this activist is the arrest to the entire Igbo land. The arrest signifies a high disregard and disrespect to the Igbo nation.

It will be my immense pleasure to state that I’m not a fan of IPOB neither am I a relation to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

It is no longer news that Nigeria is no more safe, and there is general hopelessness in the homeland. Bandits are audaciously making a rueful statement to politically handicapped the Presidency yet they are the most cherished set of people in this country.

His Excellency, Without mincing words or with no iota of reservations, your administration is a failure of success, and successful loss in a country bedeviled with so many contradictions. My initial and unconditional cry for Nnamdi Kanu’s detention was born out of love for my mother land (the igbo nation). I also have no apologies for not going in line with the negative approach of Nnamdi Kanu and his boys. I am also not ashamed to sincerely tender my unreserved apologies for, out of my patriotism and love, periodically criticized and advised Buharists against being impassioned about your administration inability to perform effectively as we had expected. I am loud now in wailing to declare that you – Mr. President doesn’t belong to everybody but belongs to somebody else in the Northern oligarchy and fouled Nigeria’s religious firmament.

Mr. President, permit me to say that you have more explainings to do for Ndi-Igbo, NOW! There are more to this ugly discrimination, disregard and insults churning in Igbo land.

Those of us igbos who are Buhari’s ardent and (un)repentant supporters have no moral justification to keep deafening silence while the Presidency fails us. All Igbos are not safe under your administration. Your government is morbidly failing us.

Mr. President, you should be told that this carnage, kidnapping, psychological trauma given to our brother MNK and others are too much. And this point in time call for their unconditional release.

Sadly, every day is a troubling day in a troubled nation. Igbos/Nigerians are now numbed to killings, maiming, kidnapping, and destruction of lives and property. As a bruised Buharist, my advice to you Mr. President is to resign your presidency and go home to rest in Daura. The present constituents of Nigeria/Igbos is a colossal joke. You have no clue on how to deconstruct the Nigerian generic and mystical sins. Nigeria is a “mere geographical expression” where injustices, inequities, unfairness, inconsistencies, iniquities, the hypothesis of hypocrisy, religious brigand, corruption, nepotism, deliberate ignorance, favoritism, etc., hold sway.

Nigerian Constitution is also a mere paper shredder, and I am beginning not to believe in the “mere geographical expression” called Nigeria as espoused by the late sage Obafemi Awolowo. The more I look at the constituents of this contraption, the more I see great contradictions and injustices in the hypothesis of the current Nigerian constitution’s hypocrisy. Nigeria is a lawless country where the citizens. (e.g., politicians and religious leaders) daily pronounce laws and God but laced their behavior with insincerity and pretense. The rule of law and laws of God are mouthed every day with no recourse to moral decency, discipline, compassion, and uprightness.

Academically, your leadership should be a case study on how not to misplace priority and an excellent opportunity for success in a contentious society. Mr. President, your incapacitation to meet we the igbo people’s expectations is the bane of your administration. Consistency and enforcement of expectations provide the basis for effective governance. Where your administration has made a quantum leap, your handlers have ruined your unannounced and unsavoury successes. Nigerians from all walks of life have offered their genuine advice for Buhari’s victory. Still, you have gently brought your reputation to the slopes. With sustained leadership of the past, Mr. President, your administration has sadly drained into a considerable number of doubts, turning Nigeria into a morass of corruption, hopelessness, and insecurity.

Unfortunately, while Nigeria is brimming with vibrant, jobless young, and impeccable human resources, your gerontocratic government is entwined with sluggishness, deliberate indifference, and nepotism. Your gerontocracy is a system whereby the old group of senile leaders with no clues about how government functions are administering a virile society like Nigeria. This has destroyed the remnants of your frugal and hyped integrity and ultimately fizzled out your moral conscience and consciousness. People’s hope and aspirations in your Presidency have dwindled.

Mr. President you must wake up to the cries (wailing) of the genuine people of Igbos who want the best for herselves.

I believe that this open expression I have been able to convince you that we Igbos are still part of this country and that you should minimize the excess discrimination harboured on the Igbos.

Thanks and remain blessed!

Yours Sincerely
Comrade Chukwuebuka Onah
Enugu State, Nigeria


  1. Young man I like your style and colorful phrases like “failure of success” and stuffs like that; you perfectly remind me of good old days when as youths in far away strange lands we would all gather all night long to argue and proffer realistic solutions for ways to make nigeria great and super power. Not anymore; today those were mere youthful exuberances, bcus I soon realized after my undergraduate degree 4yrs later that Nigeria is mother of all contradictions, yes super contradictions! To me during my graduate years nigeria was an anathema, and I went on to craft my mindset to encapsulate nigeria as a baneful entity whose yesterday is better than its today and whose tomorrow is worse than its today: in other words, nigeria is a successful failure bound to monkey down her otherwise very brilliant inhabitants!


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