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The League Management Company(LMC), have announced a N9 Million fine on Kano pillars FC and a ban from hosting their home matches in Kano.

The penalties was due to the ugly incidents that happened during their Nigeria Professional Football League Matchday 23 clash with Kastina United on Saturday.

Kano pillars were held to a goaless draw by visiting Katsina United which angered the host fans and as a result, turned to violence and damaged properties at the stadium including the bus of the visiting team.

Pillars, who were only returning to the Sani Abacha Stadium in Kano for the first time in over a year.

Although the management of Kano pillars condemned the act and blamed it on saboteurs, LMC slammed a total of N9 million fine on Pillars and banished the club from Kano to Abuja for their home games.

The LMC also announced a three-point deduction from Pillars and ordered the team to take responsibility of repairing damaged team buses and properties.

Recall that the LMC had earlier in the season sent Pillars to the Mohammed Dikko Stadium, Katsina, for similar reasons after a security breach at the Kaduna stadium


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