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Ayodele Fayose

Ahead of the 2023 primary election of the All Progressives Congress, APC, to pick their presidential ticket, former Governor of Ekiti State, Ayodele Fayose has written the national leader of the ruling All Progressives Congress, APC, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu to quit the race.

Fayose in an open letter to Tinubu personally signed by him warned the former Lagos Governor that the Cabal in his party is out to contain him and reminded him of what befell Awolowo and Abiola.

The letter reads:

My Dear Asiwaju,

Let me start this letter to your good-self whom I considered as one of the leading lights of the Yoruba nation; as a letter that may not be patronizing, especially for the content based on the subjective views I will express here as a Yoruba man and not as a politician.

I equally wish to state that I am not an APC man and will never be.

I am writing based on my observed views and the attached possible dangers about your good-self against tomorrow.

One of the undeniable facts is your outburst in Abeokuta, which is a clear indication that you clearly saw a political danger to which you reacted. This informed the basis of my writing to you now.

I equally read the reactions of your political allies both in the North and in the South. The reactions gave me great cause of concern for you and your life. Again, I see danger!

As a knowledgeable student of history whom you are; our great late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo and the celebrated winner of the June 12, 1993 general election; Alhaji Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola, were led to the Golgotha by self acclaimed “champions of democracy.” I am sure the same people may advise you to ignore my advise.

Going by the handwritings that are now clearly on the wall, if I may comment sir, I see you as one that may be swimming against the political tide of the cabal in your party. They are equally preparing for your actions and reactions and are fully set to contain same as they did to both Awolowo and Abiola.

Unfortunately, your kingdom has been badly balkanized if what happened in Abeokuta is anything to go by.

My advice

The book of Proverbs chapter 22 verse 3 (The Good News Translations), “sensible people will see trouble coming and avoid it but unthinking people will work into it.” Again, Asiwaju, for reasons of not being misrepresented, I will like to stop here and allow you to take your decisions, good or bad as a wise full grown adult whom you are.

I wish you the best of luck.

Ayodele Fayose, E Governor, Ekiti State (2003-2006 and 2014-2018)



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