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Senator Ogba
Senator Obinna Ogba

The Senator representing Ebonyi Central Senatorial District, Chief Obinna Ogba, has urged his supporters and people of the State to disregard rumours and claims that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has shortlisted Chief Ifeanyi Odii as the gubernatorial candidate for his party PDP.

Ogba, while addressing journalists at his campaign office in Abakaliki on Saturday described the rumour as a mere noise undeserving of attention, stressing that he remained the authentic gubernatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state.

The lawmaker insisted on the validity of the primary elections of the 4th and 5th of June,2022 that produced him and other candidates of the party.

He dismissed claims made by the former Chairman of the party in the state, Silas Onu, that the primaries were not monitored by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) as required by law.

Ogba also noted that the elections were duly and fully monitored by officials of the INEC, asking if the electoral body has ever denied monitoring the elections.

He thanked the delegates of the party and stakeholders for their confidence in him.

He also thanked other contestants in the gubernatorial primary election for demonstrating what he described as true sportsmanship and promised to run an inclusive goverment if elected Governor in 2023.


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