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…frowns at media trial aimed at tarnishing the image of their traditional ruler’s family

The people of Obeagu Ugwuaji Autonomous Community in Enugu South Council area of Enugu State, have expressed worry over the media reports against their traditional ruler, HRH Igwe Ikenga and his police son, DSP Ikenga Tochukwu.

The community said it has become crucial to respond to the “unestablished allegations of land grabbing, torture, arrest, harassment and intimidation by HRH Igwe Ikenga and family”

In a statement signed by Chief Edwin Nyia, the secretary of Obeagu Ugwuaji palace, the community stated “that the report of land grabbing, torture, intimidation, arrest and harassment by persons HRH Igwe Ikenga is false, malicious, an attempt to tarnish the image of the royal family and prejudicial to the justice system anywhere in the world. We would advise that the general public be well guided.”

Chief Nyia challenged the persons making the allegations to “provide the members of the public, the name of department of Police that arrested them, the date they where arrested, the place they where arrested from, other names of police officers that joined in enforcing the arrest, where they were detained, the persons that sustain gunshot injuries, where they were treated, the eyewitnesses and other proofs that may be relevant as Nigeria Police is a responsible public institution which one can go and verify.”

He added that the allegation of forceful takeover of lands belonging to the six communities of Ugwuaji can’t be farther from the truth because “It is a known fact that all lands belonging to the concerned six Communities after the creation of Obeagu-Ugwuaji Autonomous Community had in the past been demarcated and gazetted by the state government through the State Boundary Commission situated at the Deputy Governor’s office and it is a public document for anyone who cares to know.

“Emphatically and as a matter of policy, HRH Igwe Ikenga and family do not engage in land business or dealings as the such powers are adjudicated to the Chairman Power of Attorney, the President General of the Community and the legal representative of the Community.

“It is disheartening to state that HRH Igwe Ikenga and family whose name is a reference point for hard work, diligence and honesty would lend his reputation built steadfastly over the years to acts of such accusations which he must now stoically suffer through while clearing his name.”

He frowned at some Journalists that without due diligence, published these claims which are “malicious and mendacious” not minding “how damaging it could be to the reputation of the Royal family,” while applauding other journalists that went further to investigate and verify these claims.

“The general public are advised to resist the urge to buy into media trial/sensationalism which is unsurprising but regardless harmful to the course for the truth which His Highness stand for. Igwe Ikenga is ready for any investigation and will honour any Government agency/security invitation or from any relevant bodies but the alleged victims/persons/group should be in attendance when such meeting is scheduled.”


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