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Two Catholic priests that were abducted at Agbarha-Otor town in Delta State by unknown gunmen have regained their freedom.

The priests– Rev. Fr. Raphael Ogigbah, parish priest of St. Francis Catholic Parish Agbarha-Otor, Catholic Diocese of Warri, and Rev. Fr. Kunav Chochos, a Missionary Priest of the Schoenstartt Fathers – were abducted on Saturday night.

The clergymen according to a senior priest in the diocese, regained their freedom on Thursday afternoon.

The priest who doesn’t want his name in print, told our correspondent that the abducted priests have been reunited with the leadership of the Catholic Diocese of Warri.

It was not clear if ransom was paid to secure their release.

The abductors had earlier demanded N20 million as ransom for the release of the catholic priests.

Recall that Frs. Ogigbah and Chochos were kidnapped at the front of Michael and Cecilia Ibru University, Agbarha-Otor in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State.

Chochos, who works and lives in Ibadan, Oyo State, was in Delta to visit his friend, Fr Ogigbah, at Agbarha-Otor, the hometown of famous Ibru family.


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