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In a shocking and unprecedented move, Nigerian Justice Boloukuoromo M. Ugo has resigned from the bench, citing demands from the executive branch that he believes would destroy the country’s democracy.

In a statement, Justice Ugo said that siding with the government on this matter would be the ‘death of Nigeria’s democracy’, and that he could not in good conscience remain silent. His resignation has sent shockwaves through the country, and raised serious questions about the state of Nigeria’s democratic institutions.

According to Justice Ugo’s statement, he was asked to ‘cripple the independence of the judiciary’ by ruling in favor of a certain political candidate, whom he did not name.

In addition to this, he was asked to suppress evidence and dismiss cases that could have an impact on the election.

Justice Ugo’s resignation has caused a serious uproar and a set back to the activities of the Presidential Election Petition Court.


  1. Will anyone defend this revelation again. Bless your sou l Justice Igo that we still have men of conscience and principled people like you. It has become obvious that the executive is teleguiding the judges on what judgement to write to favour,Yinuunbu in this matter. But they should know that that Nigerians of conscience would not allow it to happen. It would be resisted to their last drop of their blood to stop destruction of the Constitution and Democracy in Nigeria. May God not allow them to do the evil they are hatching out.

  2. It’s now clear and evident that Tinubu’s curiosity and desperacy to desecrate the sanctity of our democracy is obviously explicit.

    Indeed, this is a wake up call to all the well meaning Nigerian and lovers of democracy to rise up to this occasion and condemn in totality this urgly trend of APC and save our country from the hands of this Apc monsters.


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