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Photo of a rape victim used to illustrate the story

A human rights group, Civil Rights Realisation and Advancement Network (CRRAN), has called on the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), to look into a case of serial rape of a 14-year-old girl by one Mr. Charles Nnaike and his friend.

CRRAN in a publication released on Tuesday in a Enugu, said the 14 year-old girl living with the family as house help at their home at Thinkers’ Corner, Emene, Old Road, Enugu was brought to assist Mr. Nnadike’s wife, Mrs. Blessing Nnadike following her child delivery.

CRRAN in a petition addressed to the Zonal Commander of NAPTIP, Enugu Zonal Office, called on the agency to look into the matter and ensure the little girl gets justice.

The petition dated January 29, 2024, signed by the President of CRRAN, Olu Omotayo, appealed to NAPTIP to deepen investigation into the alleged continuous defilement of a 14 year old girl by her mistress’ husband and friend.

It was gathered that Mr. Nnaike’s wife, Mrs. Blessing Nnaike, had approached the survivor’s mother, her schoolmate at the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Mrs. Chinwendu Ozioko, who works as a traffic warden at the Enugu State Transport Management Authority to allow her daughter to stay with her sometimes in 2019, when she gave birth to a baby.

It was further learned that since then when the child was in primary six and lived with her till Thursday 25th January 2024, Mr. Nnaike had consistently been raping her, and even passing her on to his friend to have his turn on the little girl.

The letter titled: “Re: appeal for justice: re: defilement of 14 year old girl, since 2019 by the husband of her boss and his friend”, reads in parts:

“We write to you in respect of the above-mentioned matter on behalf of Mrs. Chinwendu Ozioko, who informed us that she made a complaint in respect of the above mentioned matter to your office on Thursday the 25th January 2024, and that one of the suspects has already been invited and the matter is under investigation.

“Mrs. Chinwendu Ozioko, who works as a traffic warden at the newly formed Enugu State Transport Management Authority, stated that she allowed her daughter to go and live with Mrs. Blessing Nnaike, her schoolmate at the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) sometimes in 2019, when she gave birth to a baby and since then her child lived with her till Thursday 25th January 2024, when this matter was reported to NAPTIP.

“The summary of the complaint according to Mrs. Ozioko, is that since her child started living with the family at their home at Thinkers’ Corner, Emene, Old Road, Enugu, they don’t allow the child to visit her and any time she called Mrs. Nnaike she will always say the child was okay until Thursday 25th January 2024, when the child got a phone while the Nnaikes’ family had gone to work and called her mother and explained to her how she has not been going to school for some time and how the husband of her mistress, Mr. Charles Nnaike, has consistently raped her over the years. She started abusing the child while the child was in primary 6.

“And anytime she said no, Charles would squeezed her hand beat her up and tell her that “not after paying your school fees you will not allow me to enjoy myself”.

“According to Mrs. Ozioko, her child also narrated how Charles forced one of his friend to sleep with her and made video of them and told the child that if she said anything to anybody he will post the video on internet.

“The child further stated that a fortnight ago Charles tried to rape her again and she screamed loud so that somebody will hear them fortunately her auntie’s daughter heard her crying and shouting and told her mom.

“When Mrs. Blessing Nnaike asked the child and she told her that her husband used to rape her almost every day. She thereafter told the child that she must not say it outside and she must not let her mother know, if not she will kill her and bury her and nobody will come for her, and that she’s a witch, that she’s the one seducing her husband and want to collect her husband from her and ruin her marriage; and she stripped her naked and flogged her”.

The group, therefore, condemned the barbaric acts in its entirety, appealing that justice must be done.

“We condemn the barbaric acts of Charles Nnaike and his friend and urge you to ensure that no stone is left unturned until justice is done in respect of this case as its’ circumstances demand. This is a grave infraction on the rights of a Nigerian child”, the rights group stated.

The letter, which was also copied to Governor Peter Mbah of Enugu State, continued: “In view of the priority given to the rights of children by this government, we bring the above for your information and necessary action.

“We urge Your Excellency to ensure that all concerned authorities take urgent necessary actions to ensure that the case is promptly, impartially and effectively investigated to ensure that the perpetrators are punished according to the law and the victim accorded justice including adequate medical care and reparation”.


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