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Enugu, Mbah
Governor of Enugu State, Dr Peter Mbah

The people of Edem Ani Ogwugwu Ancient Kingdom in Nsukka local government area of Enugu State, has sent a heartfelt appreciation message to Governor Peter Mbah for his infrastructural revolution in the state.

In a note of appreciation signed by President General of Edem Ani Ogwugwu, Colonel Emeka Ugwoke (Rtd), the community said “the siting of one of the Smart Schools in our Kingdom will mark the first major government project in our area since the return to democracy in 1999.”

The message reads:

On behalf of the Igwe in Council,Oha Edem Ani, Youths and Women leadership and the good people of Edem Ani Ogwugwu Ancient Kingdom, we appreciate Your Excellency for remembering our Kingdom in your infrastructural development in Enugu state.

We note with delight that your siting of one of the Smart Schools in our Kingdom will mark the first major government project in our area since the return to democracy in 1999.
We have always lived in unfulfilled promises by succeeding administrations.

The gesture is unique as it came without promises. We are glad to be part of your early success stories, joining iconic institutions like The Sun Newspaper which recognized the depth of your commitment to humanity by awarding you The Sun Newspaper Man of the Year just few months into the life of your administration.

We’re genuinely optimistic that as your administration unfolds more dividends, Edem Ani Ogwugwu will still be remembered.

Edem Ani Ogwugwu is proud to be part of the tomorrow that is here now.
Thank you, Your Excellency, and congratulations, the deserved Man of the Year.


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