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Enugu: Engr. Uzor handing over the cash to the leader of the physically challenged
…offers to train and empower them on various skills

In continuation of his philanthropic gestures and helping humanity, renown engineer and real estate mogul, Engr. Lawrence Uzor doled out cash to the tune of eight hundred thousand Naira to physically challenged persons in Ezeagu local government area of Enugu State.

Engr. Uzor who stormed the venue of their monthly event at the pavilion, Ezeagu local government area headquarters on Tuesday, encouraged them not to lose hope because God hasn’t forgotten nor rejected them.

“The society loves you and we’re here to remind you all that you’re not abandoned and in our little way, we’ll continue to support you.

“Don’t lose hope because as long as heaven continues to bless us, be rest assured that you’ll remain a priority to us.

He promised them that in the next three months, “we will introduce a programme that will train you and make you have something more sustainable for yourselves. This is a burden on our hearts and we won’t relent on it.”

He assured them that in few weeks, “those with existing skills will be empowered while those without any skill, the proper modalities will be developed for them to be trained in the coming months.

Also speaking, the former Chairman of Ezeagu LGA, Peter Aniagbaoso said the philanthropy of Engr. Uzor knows no bound and he has always being a giver right from his childhood where he earned the name he bears till date.

“In the last six months, he has been doing so much to help the society. He has given bursary awards to over 100 students, helped over 50 business owners to expand their ventures and over 70 persons are benefitting from his scholarship programme.


“Today, he’s here to extend the kind gestures to you and I’m happy he’s doing the Lord’s work which I believe won’t go u rewarded.
He’s doing all these from his personal purse

“This visit is very special to me of all the things he’s doing, this one touched me specially and I pray to heaven to continue to bless him and what you owe him is prayers for God’s continued blessings and good health.”

The leader of the physically challenged, Ozo Christian Aneke from Eziowelle, Amansiodo who couldn’t hide his joy, said this visit is unparalleled in their history.

“Unlike politicians, he hasn’t promised us anything, never told us to come to his house and wait endlessly nor subject us to any dehumanising position before offering us this huge assistance.

“We’ve never seen anything like this and what we can assure him is that we’ll continue to pray for him because thank you can’t be enough for this kindness and we pray that he will continue to grow from strength to strength in all his endeavours.

Arinze Adamma from Amankwo Ndiagu, the PRO of the group thanked Engr. Uzor for the gesture and described it as “an answered prayer because we’ve been praying to God to touch our sons and daughters to remember us and he’s here today and we can’t take him enough.

“His visit has rekindled our hope and without any iota of persuasion nor request, he decided to visit us to donate this huge sum to us. God will bless you more abundantly my brother.”

The visit was rounded up with heartfelt prayers and praises to God by the beneficiaries.

Some of the physically challenged persons


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