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The Ikechukwu Ezeugwu Foundation has donated the sum of Two Million Naira in support of the displaced Ogigie market traders in Nsukka local government area of Enugu State.

This is even as he called for donations into the ‘Ogigie Nsukka Traders Support Fund’ to support those affected by the development.

Many shops in the market were demolished by the Enugu State Ministry of Transport to give way for a state government transport interchange being proposed by the state government.

Making the financial assistance inside the remaining part of the market, the Chairman of Ikechukwu Ezeugwu Foundation, Dr. Ikechukwu Ezeugwu appealed to well-meaning individuals and groups such as financial institutions, faith-based organizations and volunteer agencies to also show compassion by coming to the aid of the displaced traders.

Ezeugwu said that even though he had worked with the government, his parents were traders which makes him appreciate the difficulty the affected traders are passing through, hence his show of support. He said he was hopeful the traders will come out of their present predicaments but urged them not to cause more pain to themselves by taking the matter much to heart.

Ezeugwu noted that the ‘Ogigie Nsukka Traders Support Fund’ is to bring the affected traders out of their state of despondency.

“In order to demonstrate our love for the affected traders in practical, measurable, and verifiable terms, I’m appealing for financial assistance on their behalf in order to assuage their situations. This effort will help them to stabilise emotionally even before whatever money we are able to raise is given to them and before they are compensated by the government.

“I’m aware that the leadership of the market is working with the government authorities to ensure a seamless verification of affected shop owners with a view to doing the needful within the shortest possible time.

“Please, no amount of money is too little as a little drop of water makes the ocean. May God reward you abundantly and always meet you at your point of need as you make your donation notwithstanding the economic realities we are presently facing in our country today,” Ezeugwu appealed.

He assured potential donors that “I am signatory A and money can only be paid out from the account if I counter-sign the cheque. This is in order to ensure proper accountability at the end of the exercise.”

Donations can be made through the account below:

Account Name: Ogige Nsukka Traders Support Fund.
Bank: Fidelity Bank Plc
Account number: 4110138418

The signatories to the account are: Mrs Ozioko Ngozi Christiana, Mr Okoro Paul Ifeanyi chukwu( Fin Sec) and Ikechukwu Ezeugwu.

Chairman of the Ogigie Market Amalgamated Association Nsukka, OMATAN, Mrs. Ngozika Ozioko, expressed appreciation to the Ikechukwu Ezeugwu Foundation for the support gesture.


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