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CONECDA Youth Wing has called for immediate investigation of sacked CBN workers.

Mr. Paul Dekete, the North Central Coordinator of the CONECDA Youth Wing, made the request in a statement on Sunday in Jos.

Dekete, who faulted the manner in which the affected workers; largely directors, deputy and assistant directors, were dismissed, said that the process violated the bank’s established procedure.

The coordinator also maintained that the move would grossly affect the operations of critical departments within the apex bank, adding that 16 departments were affected by the action.

He decried that the affected personnel were those with an avalanche of experience and expertise in their various fields, needed to move the apex financial institution forward.

”This is why we are calling on the National Assembly to investigate the CBN to understand the rationale behind the mass sack of its staff and the criteria used.

”The National Assembly should ensure that CBN follows established procedures for staff reduction as laid out in its HR (Human Resource) manual and best practices worldwide.

”That the insensitive termination letters should be withdrawn and replaced with more appropriate documentation that reflects the employees’ work records.

”The National Assembly should ensure all the decisions are reviewed to ensure compliance with CBN HR policy and public service rules,” he said.

Dekete also appealed to the lawmakers to ensure that employees, who were dismissed without proper justification, were reinstated.

He said that the dismissed staff deserved fair compensation to mitigate the economic hardship caused by the management’s decision.



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