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A 65-year-old man, Francis Ogwu, has been handed over to the police for allegedly defiling his seven-year-old girl, a housemaid.

The suspect, Mr Ogwu, was arrested following an alarm raised by concerned neighbours.

The media aide to Anambra’s commissioner for women’s affairs and social welfare, Chidinma Ikeanyionwu, said this in a statement on Thursday.

The suspect, who is from Imo, is a pastor and general overseer of Jesus House of Joy Church in Awka.

He has lived in Anambra with his wife and children for over 30 years.

Mr Ogwu confessed to the commissioner, Ify Obinabo, that he “just fingered the girl once.”

He denied allegations of penetration as against what the seven-year-old victim said.

Mr Ogwu attributed his action to temptation, saying his wife usually denied him sex and that she made excuses of fasting whenever he desired her.

Meanwhile, the seven-year-old, who narrated her side of the story, said the suspect had carnal knowledge of her at least three times.

She told the commissioner that Mr Ogwu usually gave her money ranging from N500 to N1,000 after sexually abusing her. She also mentioned that at some point, she was accused by the pastor’s wife of snatching the husband from her.

The girl said she fled the pastor’s house because his daughter always beat her for the slightest mistake.

Speaking, the mother of the victim, a native of Awka, Destiny Nwabueze, stated that she handed the daughter over to Mr Ogwu’s family due to their cordial relationship.

Ms Nwabueze said she was shocked when her daughter returned and told her about the sexual exploitation. She revealed that she quickly called the suspect, who, upon arrival, denied the allegations, prompting her to involve other people by raising the alarm.

Ms Obinabo said she would ensure the seven-year-old got justice.

The commissioner advised women to always be vigilant over their husbands’ behaviours. She also advised women to stop starving their husbands of sex as that could lead to bad behaviour for some men.

Ms Obinabo, who charged women to always protect their girl child at all costs, noted that defilement was no longer excusable in Anambra.

Mr Ogwu has been taken into police custody.


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