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In recent years, the issue of sycophancy has emerged as a significant challenge within the socio-political landscape of Enugu State. This phenomenon, characterized by excessive flattery and ingratiation towards those in power, can have detrimental effects on the youth and the broader community. As young people navigate their paths in a rapidly changing world, the prevalence of sycophancy threatens to undermine their potential and hinder meaningful progress. It is essential to understand the implications of this behavior and to advocate for a culture of authenticity, accountability, and empowerment among the youth of Enugu.

 The Dangers of Sycophancy

Sycophancy is often rooted in a desire for personal gain, leading individuals to prioritize self-interest over the collective good. In the context of Enugu, this can manifest in various ways:

1.Stifling Genuine Dialogue: When sycophants surround leaders, they create an echo chamber where only agreeable opinions are voiced. This stifles constructive criticism and inhibits genuine dialogue about the needs and aspirations of the youth. As a result, policies and initiatives may be implemented without a true understanding of the challenges faced by young people.

2.Erosion of Accountability: Sycophancy fosters a culture where leaders are not held accountable for their actions. When leaders receive uncritical praise, they may become complacent and less responsive to the needs of their constituents, particularly the youth. This lack of accountability can hinder progress and perpetuate systemic issues, such as unemployment and lack of educational opportunities.

3.Discouraging Meritocracy: In environments rife with sycophancy, meritocracy often takes a backseat to favoritism. Young people who may possess the skills and qualifications necessary for advancement may find themselves overlooked in favor of those who engage in sycophantic behavior. This not only demotivates talented individuals but also perpetuates a cycle of mediocrity that stifles innovation and growth.

The Impact on Enugu Youth

The implications of sycophancy for the youth of Enugu are profound. As the leaders of tomorrow, young people require an environment that fosters their development, encourages their voices, and supports their ambitions. The prevalence of sycophantic behavior can lead to several adverse outcomes:

1.Loss of Opportunities: When sycophancy becomes the norm, opportunities for genuine engagement and advancement are lost. Young people may miss out on scholarships, mentorship, and job placements that could have otherwise been accessible to them.

2.Disillusionment and Apathy: Witnessing sycophantic behavior can lead to disillusionment among the youth, causing them to feel that their efforts and contributions are undervalued. This disillusionment can translate into apathy, where young people become disengaged from civic activities, governance, and community development.

3.Hindrance to Leadership Development: Young people need role models who embody integrity, accountability, and authenticity. When sycophants dominate social and political spheres, it becomes challenging for aspiring leaders to develop the skills and ethos necessary for effective leadership. This lack of development can have long-term consequences for the community’s future.

Moving Towards Authentic Leadership

To combat the detrimental effects of sycophancy, it is imperative to promote authentic leadership and empower the youth of Enugu. Here are several strategies that can be employed:

1.Encouraging Critical Dialogue: Creating platforms for open and honest discussions among young people, community leaders, and policymakers can foster an environment where diverse opinions are valued. This can be achieved through town hall meetings, youth forums, and online platforms that encourage debate and engagement.

2.Promoting Transparency and Accountability: Leaders must be held accountable for their actions and decisions. Establishing mechanisms for transparency, such as public reporting and community oversight, can help ensure that leaders remain responsive to the needs of their constituents.

3.Empowering Youth Initiatives: Supporting youth-led initiatives and organizations can empower young people to take charge of their futures. By providing resources, mentorship, and funding for projects that address youth concerns, the community can foster a sense of ownership and agency among the younger generation.

4.Celebrating Authentic Leadership: Highlighting and promoting leaders who exemplify integrity, accountability, and authenticity can inspire young people to pursue similar values in their own lives. Celebrating these role models can shift the narrative away from sycophancy and towards a culture of genuine engagement.


The phenomenon of sycophancy poses a significant threat to the future of the youth in Enugu. It stifles genuine dialogue, erodes accountability, and undermines meritocracy, ultimately leading to disillusionment among young people. To build a brighter future, it is essential to promote authentic leadership, foster critical dialogue, and empower the youth to take an active role in shaping their destinies. By rejecting sycophancy and embracing a culture of integrity and accountability, the youth of Enugu can reclaim their agency and contribute meaningfully to the development of their community.


Dr. Maduabuchi Aaron writes from Enugu


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