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In a stunning turn of events, Ewaoche Benjamin Obe, a former governorship candidate for the African Action Congress (AAC) in the last Benue State elections, found himself homeless after his wife, Christiana Obe, reportedly used their Abuja residence as collateral for a loan.

According to DAILY POST, Obe’s house, located in the Sagwari Layout of Dutse, Bwari Area Council in the Federal Capital Territory, was built by the politician. The couple, who have been married since 2006 and hail from Ogbadibo Local Government Area in Benue State, now appear embroiled in a bitter drama.

On the fateful day of September 25, 2024, while en route to Benue State, Obe received an alarming phone call: security personnel had invaded his home and were in the process of evicting him. Fueled by rage, he quickly reversed direction, racing back along the Nasarawa State road.

Upon his return, he was confronted with a shocking reality—court documents declaring that his beloved home had been confiscated due to an outstanding loan taken out by Christiana. “I never received any court notice before this invasion,” Obe stated, as police and military officers surrounded his home, personal belongings strewn across the street.

“This is a house I built with my hard-earned money,” Obe lamented. In an emotional Facebook Live video, he accused his wife of colluding with authorities to orchestrate this humiliation, questioning how a court could seize property without notifying its rightful owner.

When questioned if he was aware of his wife’s loan, Obe expressed complete surprise, asserting he had never been contacted about any financial dealings. He also revealed that she had taken their son away just prior to the eviction—whisking him off to an undisclosed location, adding an unsettling layer to an already chaotic situation.

“I was never served. This was all plotted by my wife and those officers. Our marital issues have been brewing for a while, and this seems to be her way of getting back at me,” he remarked.

Witnesses noted that Christiana, an officer of the Nigerian Air Force, had stealthily removed several items from the house, including air conditioners, before slipping away without a word, a move Obe didn’t contest to avoid escalating the situation.

As unsettling whispers circulate about the legitimacy of the court documents served during the eviction, a family member close to the couple expressed disbelief: “Ewaoche has invested so much in Christiana, even funding her education and career. How could she conspire with outsiders to undermine him after over twenty years together? It’s a blatant act of oppression. If the roles were reversed, society would cry foul. How does a wife take out a loan without her husband’s knowledge? Why did the lender not verify details with the actual owner? Something is seriously amiss here.”

Calls for investigation into the eviction process have emerged, with suspicions that the court papers may be fraudulent and that the authorities involved are complicit in an illegal act.

When reached for comment, Christiana Obe offered a terse response: “I am not under any obligation to speak with anyone.”


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