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Eminent Sisters, a charity-based organization, has urged women to abandon the notion of seeking prayer houses when they notice abnormalities in their breasts. They emphasize that routine checks for early detection are crucial for effective breast cancer management.

The group, composed of professionals from various fields, delivered this message during their awareness walk through the streets of Enugu on Saturday, October 12, 2024.

Lady Christine Miller, President of Eminent Sisters in Enugu, stressed the importance of women paying close attention to their health.

Miller highlighted that the urgency for this awareness arises from the increasing number of deaths due to late-stage cancer diagnoses. “We’ve observed that many women who succumb to cancer are diagnosed too late. When detected at stage one or two, survival rates improve significantly.

“Routine checks are vital. When you shower, take a moment to examine yourself in various areas. Not every lump signifies cancer, but the habit of checking regularly makes a critical difference. Cancer is not a death sentence; if caught early, it can be managed successfully,” she stated.

Barr. Margaret Nwagbo, chairlady of the awareness walk, remarked on the need for women to break free from the stigma imposed by cultural and societal norms.

Nwagbo encouraged women to combine faith with proactive health measures. “Rather than always consulting pastors or churches when you notice changes in your body, visit a nearby clinic or hospital for a proper diagnosis. Women should prioritize their health by scheduling routine check-ups.

Eminent Sisters

“We must educate our young girls about these diseases from an early age so they are well-informed. Women are often constrained by cultural expectations—if you experience abnormal discharge, see a doctor.”

Additionally, Ngozi Chukwu, an Associate Professor and a member of Eminent Sisters called for increased stakeholder engagement in raising awareness about cancer. She emphasized the necessity of preventive measures over reactive ones, which often spiral out of control among women.


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