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The Police in Benue State have confirmed the assassination of a community leader, one Godwin Gbaiur.

Gunmen struck during the early hours of Saturday in Kastina Ala Local Government Area of the state.

Spokesman of the Benue Command, Moses Joel Yamu, said the incident happened at about 6:48am at the victim’s resident in Kastina Ala town.

“One Godwin Gbajur (Katsina-Ala Township Leader aka Tor Gari) was assassinated in his GRA residence at the outskirts of Katsina-Ala LGA by two armed bandits,” he said.

Yamu added that an eye witness accounted that the assassins rode on two Bajaj motorcycles to the house of the victim and inquired from him if he was Godwin, which he answered in affirmative before he was eventually shot dead.

He said that eight empty shells of AK-47 ammunition were recovered at the scene while preliminary investigation revealed that the assassins are gang members of Terwase Akwaza popularly known as “Ghana,” the notorious wanted criminal in the state.




Daily Post


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