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Tribune quoted Obasanjo as saying thatvBuhari had consistently dodged the issue of Fulani Herdsmen who were responsible for the death of thousands of Nigerians.

The former President stressed that Buhari’s body language towards the activities of herdsmen was making the job of security agencies difficult.

Obasanjo was quoted as saying, “He (Buhari) often speaks from both sides of the mouth on the issue of armed herdsmen killing of innocent citizens. At times, he would say the herdsmen are not Nigerians; that they are from Niger, Mali, Chad and other neighbouring countries.

“In the same breath, the president would say we should learn to live and cope with our neighbours, talking of the Middle Belt groups and that the crisis is an internal matter.

“At another time while in the United States, he said it was the fighters from Libya that were behind the killings. So, if the Nigerian military were to act, it will be against the position of the president. Therefore, the military had to be careful.”



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