May I start by welcoming everyone here today. I feel most humbled to speak to the people who own the future (should they realize it now and take over).
This year’s International Youth Day celebration, the United Nations of all topics available chose the topic: SAFE SPACE FOR YOUTHS. This is particularly coming at a time the whole world are beginning to understand the importance of young people in governance, development and decision making.
In deciding on this topic the U.N said:
“Youth need safe spaces where they can come together, engage in activities related to their diverse needs and interests, participate in decision making processes and freely express themselves. While there are many types of spaces, safe spaces ensure the dignity and safety of youth. Safe spaces such as civic spaces enable youth to engage in governance issues, public spaces afford youth the opportunity to participate in sports and other leisure activities in the community; digital spaces help youth interact virtually across boarders with everyone; and well planned physical spaces can help accommodate the needs of diverse youth especially those vulnerable to marginalization or violence”.

For the purpose of this my paper I shall be discussing political or what United Nations refers to as CIVIC space for Youths.
A safe space for young people means the provision or creation of an enabling environment (Space) for young people to learn, to express themselves and to thrive. Having a safe space means you are provided for. It means the society knows you are here, they care about your need to develop yourself, to explore whatever goal you have and an enabling environment to succeed.
Youth engagement requires a welcoming environment for youth to gather. There is a difference between a place and a space. While the place provides a physical location, the space is created by those who interact in it youth should have an active and on going role in creating a youth friendly space.
Providing the Youth with a safe space goes beyond providing a physical location for them to come and interact. It’s about the behaviours and interactions that create an open and accepting environment, a space where everyone feels respected and valued. In a safe space, people can express themselves honestly and authentically, and they can contribute actively without fear of being judged on account of their social identities such as religion, gender, sexuality, ability etc.
When you are given a safe space, don’t think it will be free from discomfort. To grow and learn, youths must confront issues that make them uncomfortable, that force them to struggle with who they are and what they believe. A safe space therefore, develops young people who learn to take risks, analyze their position and to work through conflict respectfully in order to achieve their goals.
There is so much to say about safe space for youths but I’d rather take up my points so we have some ideas to take home.
Political Spaces for Youths can be said to refer to the provision of those condition necessary for young people to learn to express their opinions about public, governmental or civic issues, affairs, policies and plans. It has to do first with the creation of an environment that informs them readily of the workings of government and give them a sense that they are part of society and as a result have a stake in what happens in the society, in such a way that they take ownership, take responsibility and strive to make their mark or inputs to the development and governance of the society.
In Nigeria and of course most African Countries there is basically no government policies that seek to create a political space for young people. This is why what “safe space for youth” means for a US or Canadian or UK citizen is not the same for a Nigerian citizen. The level of their advancement and political exposure to political activities and participation differ by a long margin.
Let us discuss this topic with particular attention to how it affects young Nigerians and perhaps Africans.
No less than the Nigerian Minister for Youth and Sports Development Solomon Dalung have expressed fears that the Nigerian Political Elites and Business Moguls have not perfected transition plan from them to the younger generations. This he said in New York at the Seventh Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum at UN Headquarters. He said the youths were now asking for more space to participate in governance.
He said “Young people today are asking: where is the space for them to express themselves? They are asking the politicians – where is the space for their participation in governance?
“They are asking the business community – how are you mentoring us to ensure inter-generational transition?They are asking policy makers – why are you planning our future without consulting us?
“They are asking the United Nation: when will our space exist for us to participate”.
Coming from the minister himself tells you a lot about the situation of Youths politically in the country.
It is therefore wise to advise the Nigerian Youth to CREATE a SAFE SPACE for themselves politically. While a few good spirited Political elites may have love for young people and committed to mentorship but too many Nigerian Political and business elites probably don’t understand that there can be no success without a successor.
It is regrettable that:
■ In Nigeria political parties don’t encourage young aspirants and provides no special incentives, treatments or enabling environment for them to excel.
■ Political elites otherwise known as godfathers with the exception of very few, prefer to use young people as thugs, servants or gate beggars other than positioning and mentoring them for greater heights.
■ Churches and religious leaders don’t even think it’s important to encourage and motivate the youths to join politics.
■ Young people themselves are either too afraid to dare or docile and comfortable with their position as political thus and jobbers who are used only during elections and jettisoned therefore.
■ Most young people are jobless, they make no money and as a result even with good ideals they lack the funding to aspire for political office etc.
1. First is that we must take a collective decision that now is our time. That enough is enough. That we must take back our country. That our religious, tribal and racial difference are to make us stronger not divide us. That the political elites only employ or highlight those differences to divide us for their own selfish reasons. That the bad policies and bad governance in the country will hurt us more as we live than the old men who are closer to their grave. That in the event of wars of violent we are the most vulnerable not the elites, not their children nor their families. We must make a commitment to rise up from our slumber, to challenge the status quo and to make things right.
2. They must continue to form alliances, positive groups and platforms to make their voice heard. Like the one you people have here. The two NGOs planning this event is platform lending credence to the voice of the Nigerian Youth. With platforms or alliances with like minds such as this you continue to push for great ideals and change. No matter how tiny your voice may be, with time it could get more echoes and then there will be result.
3. To lead you must prepare. There is no such thing as a born leade. All great leaders devote time to learn to lead right. First, you must get a good education. Second, even while in college you must make every experience educational. You must experience educational. You must learn to bring people together, to form an opinion and convince people to buy it. You must learn to manage people and relationships. You must learn to care. You must develop a strong character. You must learn how to present yourself to be different.
4. Subject yourself to Mentorship. One of the major challenges of the Nigerian Youth is who to emulate, who to follow and who to be like. There’s so much distrust and failure of character on the part of our leaders and elites that most times you do not know who you want to call you Hero. However, it is imperative that we make decision to find someone worthy of your loyalty and serve such a person with honesty, dedication and utmost HUMILITY. To be great you must walk under the shadows of another great man. It does not matter if you aspire to be greater than himself but you must learn from him first and then develop yourself to soar higher.
5. Have faith. There can be miracles when we believe. “There is no mountain too great… hear this words and have faith” said Diana Ross in the song ‘He lives in me’. Mariah Carey sang a song and said… “when it seems all hope is gone, look inside you and be strong then you will finally see the truth, that a Hero lies in you”. These are songs I listen to when I want to take a leap of faith. You must learn to dare, to take risks, to inspire for greatness without any apology… if you succeed you leave an impact, if you fail you learn new ways not to fail next time.
1. To Empower young people through good education, skill training and acquisitions, capacity building programs etc.
2. Support youth based NGO and create job opportunities for young people. Even while they are employed government must continue to engage them to ensure their capacity and confidence in their abilities to make a difference.
3. Government and political parties must give special space or assistance for young aspirants. Government must also provide for young people to occupy certain position as a way of grooming them for future leadership.
Lastly, while the NOT-TOO-YOUNG-TO-RUN bill now a LAW has been passed and assented, it is no guarantee that many young people will occupy political positions in the next election. If young people don’t come out to convincingly run for election, then nothing for them.
Be minded, that being young is not a criteria that you must win election. Nor does it now mean that the old will fail if you contest with him. The most vital thing is content. What are you running for? What do you have to offer? How prepared are you to lead. If you bank on age alone to run for election you will most likely fail. But when you are young, credible, honest and full of ideas, then you stand a good chance.
The Nigeria political system as it is presently constituted and run, does not convincingly provide any safe civic or political space for young people. Therefore while they must continue to advocate and demand for a safe space, young people must:
☆ Rise up
☆ Rise for their slumber
☆ Live right
☆ Get good education
☆ Be self reliant
☆ Form alliances
☆ Speak up without fear
☆ Make their voices heard
☆ Struggle for space
☆ Create space
☆ Develop space
☆ Create platform
☆ Gun for political offices
☆ Gun for political appointment
☆ Be hungry for impacts
☆ Be thirsty for change
☆ Take over Nigeria
☆ Make things right
☆ Save Nigeria.
God bless you!
I am Hon. Barr. Chima Obieze
Member, Representing Ezeagu in Enugu House of Assembly