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With a sense of urgency I wish to address all the Biafrans who believe in our cause and methodology in view of the circumstances prevailing now and the times and seasons we live in. Following the commencement of our current case in the Federal High Court between Biafra and Nigeria in the Suit No SUIT No FHC/EN/CS/103/2019, we have observed reactions from members of the public for which some responses are required. I want to draw important lessons from the Scriptures of the Holy Bible in 1Chron 12:32 where it is recorded about the team members who followed David as follows: “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment”.

2. This single verse of the Scriptures has profound meanings and secrets required by the Biafrans to overcome the challenges we face now in Nigeria and in all parts of the world. The question is this: “What shall we do now considering the circumstances prevailing in the now”? The President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Chief Barr John Nnia Nwodo, who under the Customary Law is actually the President General of the Igbo Nation, has addressed the Igbo Nation and commanded the Igbo people to rise up and defend themselves as the Federal Government has failed to protect us. He has said it all in a proverb which only the wise can understand. The order has been given by the President General of the Igbo Nation: “The Igbo people, rise up and defend yourselves”.

3. I was surprised to listen to a video record by Chief Ralph Uwazuruike condemning the statement of our President General for responding to the little Fulani boy’s threat and commanding us to defend ourselves. Uwazuruike questioned the President General, “How do we defend ourselves? With what shall we defend ourselves?” I am surprised that Ralph Uwazuruike could ask these questions in public to ridicule and whittle down the order given by our President General. The order has been given. We know how to defend ourselves. We shall defend ourselves by any means we know how.

4. The current problem is that the Federal Government of Nigeria pretends to be asleep while the Fulani herdsmen ravage the lands and destroy the peoples who ought to be protected by the Federal Government with its Federal might. Although the Fulani herdsmen have wreaked more havoc in the Middle Belt and the West, their target is Biafraland in the Eastern Nigeria! The Moslem Jihadists transformed themselves from Boko Haram to Fulani Herdsmen massacring the peoples with impunity and taking over their lands and the Federal Government of Nigeria is not able to arrest and prosecute anyone of them! In fact, the Federal Government has made plans to acquire lands for them in all States of the Federation to settle down with their families and do their cattle business! Where does the Constitution of Nigeria empower the Federal Government to finance the private businesses of Cattle Rearers? What an arrogant misuse and abuse of the executive power!

5. The Fulani Jihadists are deluded in thinking that the coalition of the peoples of the Middle Belt, South West and South-South who ganged up with them to fight against the Biafrans in 1967 – 1970 shall help them again. This is a religious war disguised with the cloaks of politics of RUGA settlement and Cattle Colony. They deceived the Christians of the Middle Belt to fight against the Christians of Biafraland. The people who fought the war for the Nigerian Government against Biafra were mostly the Christians from the Middle Belt and Yorubaland, the Theophilus Danjumas, the Olusegun Obasanjos, the Yakubu Gowons, the Jeremiah Usenis, the Joshua Dogonyaros, the Benjamin Adekunles, etc, all supported and armed to the teeth by the Great Britain, the headquarters of the Reformed Christianity, the headquarters of the Church of England, the Church that gave us the King James Version of the Holy Bible, the Defender of the Christian Faith, the land that produced the Great Christian Missionaries that brought Christianity to Biafraland. It cannot happen again!

6. The Fulani Jihadist must understand that the times have changed and the eyes of the indigenous peoples of the lands are now open. The Biafrans saw the Islamization agenda in 1967 but the rest of the country did not see it. They must understand that this is no longer the war of 1967. Let this warning sink into the heads of the Nigerian leaders and the Nigerian DSS Policemen who have refused to arrest and prosecute the Fulani terrorists. When the war which the Fulani herdsmen are brewing shall start, it will signify the end of Nigeria. The Igbo people shall not start the war but we shall fight when it starts. We are not afraid of war. We have passed through the fires of death before and do not fear death anymore. We are the most daring human beings the Fulanis have never been able to understand. We may appear unprepared for war but let the Fulani Jihadists start the war and see the end.

7. They have given the Federal Government a 30-day ultimatum to implement the RUGA Settlement Policy or they start the war. We pray that the 30 days should elapse quickly and let the action start. If the Fulani Jihadists start the war, the Igbo people in the North shall fight in the North and overrun the North. The Igbo people in the West shall fight in the West and overrun the West. We shall send reinforcements from the East and from all the countries of the world where we live to defend Igboland. The British Government will not supply the Fulani Jihadists with arms and ammunition as before. The Middle Belt people will not help the Fulani Jihadists as before. The Yoruba people will not help the Fulani Jihadists as before. The Ijaw people, the Itsekiris, the Binis, the Urhobos, the Ogonis and all the people of the South-South will not help the Fulani Jihadists as before. In this coming war, the Fulani Jihadists shall fight alone! They must check their history and understand that the Igbo people have never been defeated in war. What happened to the Fulani warriors in 1834 and stopped them from matching into Igboland shall happen to them again and they cannot penetrate Igboland!

8. The war between Biafra and Nigeria did not end in 1970. What ended was the war of arms and ammunition. The Federal Government of Nigeria under the control of the Fulani Oligarchy has continued the war against the Biafrans in different forms. For instance, in 1979, being nine years after the war of arms and ammunition, the Federal Government promulgated the Abandoned Properties Act 1979 and seized and confiscated all the properties, money, assets and treasures belonging to the Biafrans. They used Brother Olusegun Obasanjo to sign the law and do the dirty job for them. The Nigerian Government has continued to marginalise and discriminate against the Biafrans up to this day.

9. If you are one of those who have understanding of the times to know what the Biafran people ought to do, you must have understood that the Freedom we seek is quite complex and multi-dimensional. We have considered all the circumstances in the round and proffered the best solution for Nigeria. We have considered not only our own interest but also the interests of our neighbours and friends in the international community. Our Prayer No 7 in the on-going case between Biafra and Nigeria in the Suit No FHC/EN/CS/103/2019 is as follows: “An Order affirming the Memorandum of Ohanaeze Ndigbo dated 28th June 2012 submitted to the National Assembly for the restructuring of Nigeria into six autonomous self-governing regions, namely: South East, South West, South-South, North East, North West and North Central, as a manifestation of the Will of the People in the exercise of their right to self-determination and compelling the Defendants to present an Executive Bill to the National Assembly for a law granting autonomy and self-governing status to the six geopolitical regions in Nigeria; OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, in the role of the Judiciary as the last hope of the common man, an Order directing the Defendants to present an Executive Bill to the National Assembly for a law dissolving Nigeria in peace along the compatible ethnic groups instead of allowing the country to break up in bloodshed”. This is the panacea of the Nigerian problems. In simple language, let every region become autonomous and govern itself in the One Nigeria.

10. This is the Restructuring which the President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo is preaching. This is the Regional Government of Biafra which we are preaching. Let the 6 regions in Nigeria be restructured as 6 countries just like the Great Britain is structured into 4 countries, namely: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. If it could work in the United Kingdom of Great Britain, it can also work in Nigeria. This is the best solution for the Nigerian problem for now.

Thank you

Emeka Emekesiri, Esq.


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