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The Department of State Services has raised the alarm that there are plots by those it described as “subversive groups and individuals” to destabilize Nigeria and undermine national peace, security and unity.

The DSS did not name those involved in the scheme and when the plot is being planned. However, asked Nigerians to be on the watch out so as not to be taken unawares by the perpetrators of the evil plot.

A statement signed by the Public Relations Officer of the DSS, Dr. Peter Afunanya, made it clear that the service was however on the trail of the masterminds of the plot.

The statement said: “The Department of State Services (DSS) wishes to reiterate its earlier alert to the nation of plans by subversive groups and individuals to undermine national security, peace and unity in the country.

“These elements are determined to exploit political differences and other occurrences, within and outside the country, to destabilize the nation. They also initiate narratives to deepen their subversive objectives so as to achieve preferred illegal outcomes.

“The aim is to set the country on fire as well as inflame passions across ethnic and religious divides with expected violent consequences.

“The DSS however deplored the deliberate use of fake news and unsubstantiated information by mischievous and well placed Nigerians spread across social media platforms to deceive and incite sections of the populace to civil unrest.

It said: “While condemning the unpatriotic and misguided activities of these anti-social elements, the Service equally warns them to desist forthwith from their unholy acts as the full weight of the law will be brought against them.

“In the same vein, citizens are enjoined to remain law abiding, peaceful and report any suspicions likely to inhibit public safety to appropriate authorities.”

It however assured Nigerians that it would at all times remain committed in its pursuit of national stability in line with its statutory mandate of protecting the country against crimes and threats to its internal security.


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