The perennial water problem faced by the people of Ikedimkpa and Amofia Imezi in Affa, Udi local government area of Enugu State is now a thing of the past as one of their sons, Obinna Ochinanwata “Double O” has drilled boreholes in both vilages.
The Chairman of Udi Local Government, Hon. Ifeanyi Agu and His Deputy was on ground to commission the projects after it’s dedication by Rev. Fr. Christopher Ikechukwu Ngwu of St. John’s Parish, Affa.
Below are some pictures from the memorable event.
Obinna Drinking from the waterarrival of Ochinanwwata “Double O” the venue of one of the projects to be commissioned
The Deputy Chairman of Udi LGA commissioning one of the projectsthe visibly happy OIC of Ikedimkpa Health Centre (M) welcoming Engr. Obinna (R)The storage facility of the Borehole at Health Centre, IkedimkpaThe storage facility of the Borehole at Amofia ImeziThe dispensing unit at Ikedimpka Health CentreTHe Chairman of Udi LGA (3rd left), His Deputy (2nd left) and Ochinanwata with his Wife before the Commissioning of the Borehole at Amofia Imezi