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Dr Bitrus Pogu

The national president of Middle Belt Forum, MBF, Dr. Bitrus Pogu has assured that the days the core north uses the Middle Belt to increase their population to achieve their political aims are over because they’re not part of the “homogeneous” north.

Pogu who was reacting to the statement of Northerner States Governors Forum, NSGF, said they “should cover their face in shame,” because if what the country have now is what they want to retain as northern leadership, then “shame to this country.”

Dr Pogu said that without the Middle Belt, the population the far north boasts of doesn’t exist.

“…the north use this argument: we have the numbers etc, take the Middle Belt out, where are the numbers? They know they don’t have the numbers but of course, for propaganda purposes, they use the arguments, we have the numbers, we can do it.”

The president of MBF made the comments while appearing on AriseTv ‘The Morning Show’ on Thursda, arguing that a transparent election process will reveal those that have the actual numbers and those that manipulate figures will now be checkmated.

He dismissed the “monolithic” north as “dead and buried,” revealing it was a creation of the colonial masters that wanted to hand over power to the north.

Stressing that they’re not Northerners, Pogu maintained that they’re only considered as Northerners when it’s convenient for them but when it comes to political appointments and other considerations, they’re not considered as north.

“Why should the hypocrisy continue? Let them just say we’re Middle Belters, they’re Northerners, let everybody be who he’s.”

He stated further that they’re partnering with the people from the south because they have realized that with their northern brothers, they’re two different worlds.

“Our northern Brothers we have stayed together have continued to use us for their own purposes but when it comes to sharing the cake we are not part of it. We have been partners with the south, we formed this partnership recently yet we have so many things in common with the southern part of the country.”

“Today we are saying enough is enough, we can’t continue to remain docile in the same position all the time. When you see a better position, you move to that side and because of that, we believe that a better position is partnering with the southern part of Nigeria so we can forge a better Nigeria where every Nigerian will have equal status as Nigerians not some Nigerians dictating to others.

Making case for a president from Southern Nigeria, he said that the presidency should move to the south otherwise let it come to the middle belt because they are not northern Nigeria.


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