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Youths Initiative for Peace, Justice and Reorientation (YIPJAR) has commended the Enugu state government for the plans to conduct local government elections.

The state Independent Electoral Commission, ENSIEC had rolled out the time table for the conduct of Local government council election. The commission fixed the election for February 2022.

According to YIPJAR, this is a welcome development because “local government system was created to bring governance and development closer to the people at the grassroots.”

Engr. Uzor lawrence, the President of YIPJAR in a terse statement also called on ENSIEC to ensure the process is “free, fair and credible.”

Engr. Uzor maintained that: “It is imperative that every process leading to the LG elections is made transparent and youth friendly by all the contesting political parties” and frowned at imposition of party flag bearers which he said, “has hindered the democratic progress and development of LGAs over the years.”

Speaking further in the statement which was signed by his SSA media Comr. Sunny Ijeagalu, Uzor opined that “It is high time Nigeria learnt from other developing and developed countries where the masses choose their leaders without any interference from the Executive.

“When someone is selected and imposed by a few people, he/she functions only to please and satisfy that few not the general public who did not play any role during their emergence, and this act is a grave danger to the advancement of democratic process in any nation.

YIPJAR also slammed the National Assembly for not ensuring complete autonomy and financial freedom of local government system through robust and objective legislation which lies solely within their purview.

“The bleeding state of the nation can be salvaged true quality legislation devoid of selfishness and interference from any quarters and It is time the legislators took (the long overdue) steps to rescue and reposition our dear nation.”

In conclusion, YIPJAR called on all “Nigerian youths to join hands with her to rescue our nation from the present state of colossal leadership failure and infrastructural decadence as only the strength of the youths can salvage our dear nation. Let the youths arise and make Nigeria of our dream come true.”


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