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The Take-It-Back Movement has condemned the refusal of the government of United Arab Emirates to renew work permits for Nigerians in the country.

In a statement by Chidi Nwanyanwu, its spokesman, the movement said the obnoxious policy had left many Nigerians in pathetic conditions, adding that some of them had already lost their jobs.

The group also slammed the Nigerian consular in the UAE for attacking those attempting to bring the matter to its attention instead of addressing the situation.

The statement reads, “We wish to call public attention to the fact that Nigerians living in the UAE have been deprived of access to work permits for the past six months, how this has led to unbearable suffering, and in some cases, the death of victims of this very unjust policy.

“In addition, we intend to bring to public attention, how the Nigerian consular hasn’t only abandoned the victims to a horrifying fate but also continues to intimidate any Nigerian who tries to bring this development to her notice.

“One of such ugly occurrence is the incident on October 7, 2021. The consular, Talabat Atinuke Mohammed, had invited some of the organisers, (who publicise and stir the victims to action) to a meeting, where she threatened to arrest them should they continue agitating against the refusal of the government of UAE to issue and renew the work permits of Nigerians.

“Another instance was the last visit of Muhammadu Buhari for expo 2021 in Dubai where the consular invited police to arrest a Nigerian citizen, Mr. Oluwatosin, who was trying to bring the President’s attention to this unpleasant development.

“Hundreds and hundreds of Nigerians are victims of this, refusal to renew work permit policy. This UAE government policy has been active since the first week of June 2021.

“More and more Nigerians are losing their jobs due to the inability to get or renew work permits. Many of those affected by this policy have become penniless, homeless, and utterly hopeless.

“Some are losing their lives to sickness and depression. To state that the situation is horrific would seriously underestimate the circumstances many are facing.

“It is to this end that we call for immediate action for the renewal of work permits of Nigerians living in the UAE. We demand that the Nigerian government moves swiftly to put an end to the aggravated pains and agony being faced by hundreds and hundreds of Nigerians living in the United Arab Emirates.”

According to the group, the inhumane treatment Nigerians are being subjected to by foreign governments is indicative of how Nigeria treats its citizens with disdain.

The statement added, “It should be noted that the inhumane and highly disrespectful treatment is being suffered by Nigerians and has been directed by foreign governments and their citizens, remain a reflection of how our government handles us with disdain even in our own country.

“Aside from being citizens of the country ranked as poverty capital of the world, third most terrorised nation in the entire universe with unimaginable corruption indices, we equally have leaders who lack respect for its citizens both home and abroad.

“These are leaders that deal with their citizens with impunity and have no modicum of regard or respect for their rights or lives.”


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