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Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi
Pastor William Kumuyi

There are strong indications that revered founder of Deeper Christian Life Church, Pastor Williams F. Kumuyi, is presently enmeshed in internal rebellion over church reforms. Recurring instances of permissiveness and lowering of the known ultra-conservatism, which the holiness preacher had ingrained in the lifestyle of his followers from the foundation denomination have been eliciting criticisms from some followers and lovers of the General Superintendent, recently.

The most recent of the reactions found expression when one Prince Dele Banjo staged a peaceful protest at the Deeper Life Headquarters Gbagada, Lagos, disapproving what he described as the GS’s introduction of unconventional music into the Deeper Life Church.

Sunday Telegraph learned that Prince Banjo, now dubbed anti-decency campaigner, also demanded for an explanation from Pastor Kumuyi, as to why the GS is backpedaling on the uncompromised holiness teachings, which his unrepentant followers had imbibed.

Prince Banjo said: “We are surprised about the introduction of unconventional music as well as the invitation of Gospel rock stars to Deeper Life. We are also surprised about the invitation of local Christian musicians that are not advocates of modesty to deeper life.

“We are surprised because pastor Kumuyi who is our father in the Lord did not raise us his children with such music. Instead, he raised us with modesty, holiness and the belief that we should worship God with our book of hymns alone using low toned and humble songs.

“Pastor Kumuyi was the one that taught us all we know about modesty and holiness, so we are surprised that our teacher is changing direction and he is inviting international Gospel rock stars and local musicians that are not advocates of modesty to come and sing at deeper life.

The anti-decency campaigner continued: “We strongly believe that as a holiness church, Deeper Life ought to stick with our choir and our God given hymn book alone.

We don’t need unnecessary noise from these American gospel rock stars and these local Christian musicians. Our God given and humble choir at Deeper Life that consists of those lovely teenagers, keyboardists and trumpeters is enough for us at deeper life.

“Since he is our father in the Lord, we hereby request an explanation from him; we want to our dear father in the Lord to defend the invitation of Rock stars and local Christian musicians that are not advocates of modesty.

We hold in our hands the book of hymns in order to prove to everyone that all we need in deeper life is our God-given book of hymns,” Prince Banjo said. Our correspondent, who visited the headquarter church in Gbagada, Lagos, found out that Prince Banjo is not at all alone.

“Of course, some people, who are foundation members of Deeper Life Church and who have been inoculate into the life of ultraconservatism and holiness by our father in the Lord, feel exactly like Prince Banjo.

“And such people have the right to question why the strict disciplined Christian lifestyle, our Pastor brought us up with is suddenly being libralised.

Although members have not said much about the action of Prince Banjo, the truth is that many people share his objections to the reforms in the church,” said a church leader who pleaded anonymity.

Another foundation member of the church, Peter Obadimeji, said that the issue of Deeper Life Church getting funky has been raging for some time now. “If you check, you will find out that the GS has deviated from the ultra-conservative pastor that he used to be.

He has opened the door for changes. At the Christmas Carol the Vice President Yemi Osinbajo held in Aso Rock last year, he was the preacher; Deeper Life Church does not celebrate Christmas. What Pastor Kumuyi in the past, gathers his followers together in a retreat that spans throughout the festive season’ Obadimeji pointed out.

However, watcher of the changes taking place in Deeper Life Church are wondering what could be the possible purpose for the ‘letting down of the gown’ in what used to be Nigeria’s most conservative church.

“I see situation that Pastor Kumuyi have seen the need to appeal and to retain the younger generation of members.

These youngsters are used to funky and adventurous lifestyle than the old-fashioned style. Perhaps they also attend events in other churches where Christian pop stars are allowed to perform,” Bidemi Akani said.

Christie Agu’s observation could be more apt.

“Perhaps Pastor Kumuyi’s new wife is changing his world view. His late wife was the one who is ultra-conservative.

Mind you, this new wife was living in London before they got married.

So, it is possible that she has an influence in the alteration of this out-dated style of worship,” she submitted.


[New Telegraph]


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