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The Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, has voted to embark on one-month strike to press home its demands from the government, Vanguard Reports.

A source at the meeting held in Lagos told Vanguard in confidence that the one month strike is just a warning strike to allow the Federal Government to meet its demands.

The Union threatened that, if the Government fails to to the needful, it will embark on an indefinite strike.

ASUU demands include the sustainability of the university autonomy, which the union said the introduction of the Integrated Personnel Payroll Information System (IPPIS) for the payment of its emoluments violates. The union seeks its replacement with its own University Transparency and Accountability Solution (UTAS), endorsement of the renegotiated 2009 ASUU-FGN agreement, funding for revitalisation of public universities, earned academic allowance, improved funding of state universities and promotion arrears


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