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Prof. Chukwuma Soludo

GOVERNOR Charles Soludo of Anambra State, has  charged the Federal government of Nigeria to try Nnamdi Kanu expeditiously, according to the law and let him be convicted or freed instead of being detained indefinitely.

According to Governor Soludo, the continued detention of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, is one of the causes of the insecurity in the South East.

Speaking during a one-day peace-building and security dialogue in Awka, the Anambra State capital, Governor Soludo said he endorsed a communique signed by a joint body of traditional rulers and clergy to declared Monday, April 4, as a day of prayer at for forgiveness and reconciliation.

Pointing out that justice delayed is justice denied, Governor Soludo said the state government would open rehabilitation centres for all those who lay down their arms. he added that his government would also set up a truth and reconciliation panel to investigate and placate those who lost their lives and property in the course of the struggle.

Governor Soludo said he is ready for total engagement with all parties, including the aggrieved, in the quest for peace. He called on all genuine agitators to drop their arms and leave the forest while warning criminal elements taking advantage of the situation, to withdraw or face the full force of the law.

“We will engage with the good, the bad and the ugly, we will not discriminate against anybody. We need more engagement than force in solving the problems, we need peace and security in our land to make progress, we can’t continue to cut our nose to spite our face, Governor Soludo added.

The Professor of Economics also pledged to lead lead fellow governors from across the southeast geo-political zone to Abuja to go and engage the federal government on finding ways to tackle the insecurity afflicting the region.


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