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Bala Mohammed

Sen Bala Mohammed stormed into Niger, Nasarawa, Kogi and Taraba states with his campaign team in continuation of his breakneck nationwide consultations with PDP delegates and other critical stakeholders. In states after states the leading PDP Presidential aspirant wooed delegates with his passionate and well reasoned policy positions on inclusive governance and intergroup accommodation and understanding as well as his trademark candor on being a well bred party faithful who will accept the outcome of the primary election with grace and uncommon sense of equanimity.

Briefing the media in a follow up Strategic Communication Bulletin Prof Udenta O Udenta, the Spokesman of the Sen Bala Mohammed Presidential Campaign Organization analyzed the mood of the delegates who had thus far listened to Sen Bala Mohammed lay out his case of a new, rescued, rebuilt, renovated and restructured Nigeria simply as “ecstatic”. In Prof Udenta’s words: “with filled out party office after filled out party office, delegates listened with rapt attention as Sen Bala Mohammed unfolded his Nigeria First agenda that seeks to reverse the monumental missteps and horrendous policy failures of the past seven years in the hands of a totally clueless and incompetent APC administration with a new vision of an empowered society that is driven by economic recovery, infrastructural revolution and the wellbeing of the populace”.

Prof Udenta who also doubles as the Ag Director General and Director of Strategic Communication of the Sen Bala Mohammed Campaign Organization stressed that apart from emphasizing his passion for education under the guidance of his Headmaster father, his training as a journalist and his civil service, senate, ministerial and gubernatorial careers which have prepared him for the ultimate national service- The Presidency- Sen Bala Mohammed urged party delegates and indeed the generality of Nigerians to see politics not as a do or die affair with harsh, hurtful, hateful and curse words being thrown around recklessly but as a mature game played by patriots who want to serve their fatherland because as Nigerians we have no other country to call home”.

Prof Udenta further briefed the media that Sen Bala Mohammed’s next campaign stops will include the parts of the South East, North West and the North East not yet covered.


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