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…Gov Ugwuanyi has once again demonstrated he’s a selfless leader, Says Group

Enugu Legacy Project has hailed the Governor of Enugu, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, CON, following the designation of the state as one ofll the oil-producing states in the country.

JOURNALIST101 recalls that on November 29th, 2022, the Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission ( RMAFC) ratified the request of Enugu to join other states in getting the revenue accrued to oil-producing states in Nigeria.

In a statement made available to Journalist101, the coordinator of Enugu Legacy Project, Dr (Mrs) Amaka Ngene, said Governor Ugwuanyi has once again demonstrated “dexterity in standing up for our dear State which he has left no stone unturned in arguably ensuring the security of life and properties.

Dr. Ngene said Ugwuanyi is a very selfless leader because “not minding that he has less than seven months to stay in office and might not even benefit from this, he (Ugwuanyi) never gave up on the pursuit of this status which will significantly impact on the revenue of our dear Enugu State.

“The Governor has paved the way for the next administration to kick off on a stronger footing with increased revenue. Which other legacy could be greater than this?” she asked.

“With this, Enugu’s economy will sing a new song, and I can tell you there’s a hand of God in all these happenings because a big player in the oil industry; Barrister Dr. Peter Mbah, will seemingly build on the legacies from Ugwuanyi and the other past governors. Your guess is as good as mine on how he (Mbah) will utilize this golden opportunity for a more prominent and prosperous state.

She further noted that “the people of Enugu North Senatorial zone are genuinely blessed to have a skilled and robust negotiator like Governor Ugwuanyi as their incoming Senator and can sleep knowing that whatever that’s due to their Senatorial zone is non-negotiable.


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