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The Cross River State chapter of the Inter-Party Advisory Council, IPAC and the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, are currently at daggers drawn over the status of the BVAS machines in the state

This is coming on the heels of a walkout staged by members of IPAC led by its state chairman, Anthony Bisong during a meeting of both parties at the INEC office in Calabar on Tuesday.

The meeting was called to assure members of the public that there were no missing BVAS in the state neither was there a diversion of such.

The IPAC Chairman had before the walkout said they had reservations over what is being done by INEC.

He requested that they should have access to the bar codes attached to the BVAS and that political parties should sight the machines.

However, the Resident Electoral Commissioner Professor Gabriel Yomere disagreed with this.

According to Yomere the materials are sensitive materials and ought not to be presented to members of the public.

He debunked the news of the missing BVAS calling on the public to disregard it and threatening to resign his appointment if it is established that any BVAS is missing.

“The information via deliberate falsehood by mischief makers intended to mislead the public and unduly ignite anxiety.

“Cross Riverians and members of the general public are enjoined to ignore the information as the number of BVAS deployed from INEC headquarters to Cross River State office is intact and adequately secured.

“INEC Cross River State office Cautions all citizens against circulating fake news capable of heating up the polity and undermining the neutrality and integrity of the commission”, he said.



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