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Peter Mbah
Barr. Peter Mbah

The Enugu unity Park under the ministry of culture and tourism, has congratulated Dr. Barr. Peter Mbah, on his emergence as the Governor-elect of the coal city State in the March 18th Governorship election.

In a congratulatory message signed by Hon. Ndidi S. Obi, the Senior Special Assistance to the Governor on Culture and Tourism, the park expressed confidence that Dr. Mbah has the vision to transform the tourism sector and make Enugu State the tourism hub of West Africa.

Hon. Obi prayed to God to give Mbah the strength to bring to fruition, all he has set out to achieve with the mandate.

“With joy in my heart on behalf of the entire staff of Unity Park Enugu State, we wish to convey our heartfelt congratulation to his Excellency Dr. Barr Peter Ndubuisi Mbah on your emergence as the Enugu State Governor elect.

“We are convinced that you will do great things in Enugu State, with a vision to make Enugu State the tourism hub of West Africa, among other beautiful plans in your manifesto.

“As you embark on this journey, may the Almighty God give you the strength and capability to carry out the mandate, task on your shoulder.

“Please accept my congratulations and make us proud.”


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