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There is drama current­ly ongoing in Nasarawa State in the just con­cluded governorship and State’s Houses Assembly election that was just held in Ak­wanga-North constituency over who is genuine member-elect awaiting to be inaugurated on May 29th 2023.

The drama was obvious on Thursday 4th May 2023 when Head of Department Election and Political Parties monitoring Mr. Shemsundeen Oyeyemi rep­resented the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) issued another certificate of return to Honourable Larry Ven Bawa, as the authentic member-elect of Akwanga-North constituen­cy after the INEC had issued the same to deputy speaker Honourable Nehemiah Tsentse Dandaura, a serving member in the same constituency.

The controversy arose from the outcome of party primary which led to litigation from Appeal Court to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court finally ruled that, “this appeal succeeds in part and is hereby allowed in part.

“That the Court of Appeal correctly held that the suit was not statute-barred. But it lacked the jurisdiction to determine the merit of the substantive suit.

“That the exercise of juris­diction to determine it as well as the decision to grant all the reliefs claimed for in the origi­nating summons is a nullity.

“That the grant of the reliefs is hereby set aside.
“That no order as to cost; and that this judgement abides SC/ CV/ 316/2023.”

Recall that the Honourable Nehemiah Tsentse Dandaura was issued with certificate of return by Independent Nation­al Electoral Commission (INEC) on 20th April 2023.

It was recalled that the depu­ty speaker who is the candidate of the ruling All Progressive Congress APC polled 8688 votes to defeat his closest rival PDP candidate who scored 7317 votes.

Meanwhile, the same certifi­cate of return was presented to Hon. Larry Ven-Bawa, by Head of Department Election and Political Party monitoring Mr Shemsundeen Oyeyemi who was represented by the Resident Electoral Commissioner.

Presenting the certificate of return to Honourable Larry Ven Bawa, Shemsundeen Oyeyemi said that with the certificate presented, it means Hon. Larry Ven-Bawa is the authentic mem­ber-elect of Akwanga North Constituency.

According to him, “In as much as another certificate has been issued today, this is a valid certificate. This nullifies whatever certificate that has been early given, because there cannot be two certificates.

“Certificate issued was based on the court judgement. Court Judgement supersedes whatev­er, the first has been issued this is the authentic certificate,” Shemsundeen Oyeyemi said.

Meanwhile, Federal High Court sitting in Abuja has is­sued an interlocutory injunc­tion restraining INEC from is­suing a certificate of return to Honourable Larry Ven Bawa, that there was no valid court to the effect.

“That the certificate of re­turn issued to the plaintiff who won the election for the Akwan­ga-North constituency we write as counsel to the plaintiff in the above-referred suit and whom we hereinafter referred as “our client”.

“This is to bring to your atten­tion the pendency of a suit filed by our client and which seeks to determine whether your com­mission can administratively issue a certificate of return to Mr. Larry Ven Bawa who was never returned winner of an election. He did not participate in all stages of election and who do not have a valid judgement nullifying the certificate of re­turn issued to our client.

“The said suit seek basically the interpretation of the provi­sion of section 72 (1) and (2) of the electoral act 2022 and section 285(13) of the 1999 constitution of the federal republic of Nige­ria as amended,” interlocutory injunction read.


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