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Over 150 ad-hoc staff of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, who worked in Anambra during the just concluded 2023 general elections have protested non-payment of their allowances.

The visibly angry protesters who thronged the INEC Headquarters in Awka on Tuesday, carrying placards, called for the immediate release of their allowances.

The protesters carried placards that inscriptions that depicted their disenchantment with the commission such as; ‘Pay us our money’, ‘INEC you can not eat our money, labourers are worth their wages’, among several others.

Chanting derogatory songs against INEC, the protesters blocked the gate to the commission, refusing most vehicles entry and exit.

One of the protesters who spoke to journalists on condition of anonymity said: “We were only paid N3000 as feeding allowance on the day of the election while the remnant of N14,000 is being owed us for each of the two elections (presidential and national assembly, and state house of assembly election).

“They are about to conclude the issue of payment, yet we have not been paid. They told us that the problem was with Access Bank and Zenith Bank and we were told to submit other bank accounts, which we did, yet they are yet to pay us.

“We’re over 300 that have not received our allowances. All we are asking is that INEC pays us the money they agreed to pay us. It is only in Nigeria that people work and do not get paid.

“We all know the risk associated with conducting elections in this part of the country. Yet, we defied the odds and risked our lives to ensure that democracy is sustained and the only way INEC wants to pay us back is by owing us.

“This is quite unfair and we want to call on the appropriate authorities to look into this matter and ensure that we get our monies,” the protester pleaded.

Attempts to reach the Resident Electoral Commissioner in charge of INEC in Anambra, Dr Queen Elizabeth Agwu, were not successful as his phone rang out without an answer.


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