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All Progressive Grand Alliance

It took me and my loyal and faithful associates, including Chief Edozie Njoku, 7 years and 3 attempts to found and establish APGA (1996,1998 and 2002).

There is a spiritual dimension to the formation of APGA that no political party in Nigeria can boast of since 1922 when party democracy debuted in Nigeria.

The survival of APGA till now, is only by the special grace of God. Let no man claim credit.

This Party was dedicated to God at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, Enugu, on 22nd December, 2002, in an interdonimational service.

I have watched with great pain the shenanigans and ignoramuse kindergarten legal minds and idiotic pseudo intellectuals expend energy and resources in trying to sustain the illogicality of an existing Oye-Sly leadership of APGA.

It is important to put the record straight, to the unwary, that what Hon. Justice M. A. Magudu did in the judgment he delivered on June 2nd, 2023, in suit no. FIT/HC/CV/4068/2023, was to enforce the judgment of the Supreme Court of March 24th, 2023. The constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999, as amended, empowers the lower courts to enforce the judgment of the Supreme Court.

To appeal against this judgment will be unhelpful. It is unlikely that the appellate Court will overrule the apex Court and more unlikely that the apex Court will overrule itself.

There must be an end to litigation. The NJC, NBA, prodemocracy organizations and the Public are alert and watchful of the unfolding drama.

Unfortunately, APGA has been in the news for the wrong reasons for a long time.
It should be known for the avoidance of doubt that CHIEF EDOZIE NJOKU has been firmly proclaimed by the Supreme Court of Nigeria as the due and lawful National Chairman of APGA since May 31st, 2019.

Every action of Oye-Sly since that date has been annulled by a Court of competent jurisdiction.

As the Founder and father of APGA, I still believe that the window for reconciliation and truce exist. I advise certain categories of APGA members to take advantage of this window and reach out to the legal authority of APGA under the leadership of Chief Edozie Njoku, to redeem themselves before it is too late. A word is enough for the wise.

Chief Dr. Chekwas Okorie
Founder/Pioneer National Chairman, APGA.


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