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A young lady simply identified as Miss Chinyere Awuda has been beaten to death and dumped in a hotel pool in Awka, Anambra the State capital.

The incident happened last weekend, when some fun seekers in a club accused her of stealing their money. The lady from Nnobi, in Idemmili South Local Government Area of Anambra State, was found dead in the swimming pool of the hotel on Sunday morning, where she was dumped after being beaten to death.

Sources said the young lady was at the club when trouble broke out, and a man identified as a popular clubber, Mr Gabriel Chinemere and his friends started beating her.

“One of the clubbers accused her of picking money which the fun seekers were spraying on their friend who was a birthday celebrant.

“Some others said she did not only pick money but went for bundles of money, which a clubber stacked by his seat side, waiting to spray on the celebrant,” another source said.

A regular clubber at the hotel said, “Some of these girls just dress up and come to the club and begin to pick money. While one is spraying to friends, these girls will just be picking and pocketing the money.

“Because men are already drunk in clubs, the girls get away with the money. I was not in the club last weekend, but I heard that the girl went for money that someone kept by his side, which he was getting prepared to go and spray. That was what happened.”

Our reporter learnt that despite efforts made by other people in the club to rescue the girl, they continued to beat and molest her.

She was later dragged outside the club, and her lifeless body was dumped into the hotel’s swimming pool.

Anambra State Police Spokesperson, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, confirmed the incident and said the birthday celebrant and his friends were already in police custody while the case is being investigated.

“Contrary to what people are saying about the complicity of the hotel, we were assisted by the management of the hotel, to arrest the suspects. Investigation is still ongoing,” he said


  1. This is total rubbish,

    Even if she stole money is that enough reason to beat her to death,
    All the men (ritualist) must all face the death penalty by been killed in very slow motion till they all die.


    They must all die including all the eye witnesses and hotel staffs plus the mgmt of the hotel who allowed them beat up a girl to death while they watch,

    The club must be burnt to ashes

    Death to all the culprits, perpetrators and those who were watching & did nothing to save her till she died

    Complete & total rubbish, the government must clamp down on all of them with the full weight of the Law and that without an iota of mercy.

    Can you create a human being, do they know the pains she must be going thru when they were beating her till she dies, do you know the pains this gory incident has caused for the friends and family?
    Do you know if she has ambition which these stupid ritualistic men have cut short

    I repeat, no excuse, they must all be made to face the full wrath of the law and it must be a very slow and painful death, the government must skin them alive and give them their skins to wear as a cloth.

    God will punish them all in hell.

  2. Why did they beat her to death. they should have invite police to handle the case… They took law into their hands. Now they have killed her the case will now turn against them.


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