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The management of Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT has faulted the call by the South East coordinator of National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) for the institution to be shutdown following the death of some students.

Over the past two weeks about 5 students of the school have lost their lives under various circumstances. In response, NANS is blaming the school management for failing to provide adequate medical facilities for the students and as a result, mobilising the students to shutdown the school.

Prof. Jude Udenta, Ph.D, Dean, Student Affairs, ESUT in a press release issued on Thursday, said “It is very unfortunate and distressful that we have been pushed to discuss in public, the circumstances of the deaths of our beloved students. Incidentally, the way things are now, with the Coordinator NANS ZONE F and certain other actors working for our institution to be SHUTDOWN, we have no other reasonable option than to make the following clarifications available to the public in order for everyone to be properly guided and , therefore, remain calm.”

Prof. Udenta clarified that contrary to the claims in the public statements by NANS that the students died in the school environment, only one of them is an on campus student and died outside the school premises.

“The last student that reportedly died over the last weekend, died as a result of a road mishap , in a yet to be confirmed location. He was a piper and instrumentalist and died while returning from his chores. Let me remind everyone that the Old Cross River State was not Shut Down because Prince Nico Mbarga of the Sweet Mother song – died of Motor Cycle accident ! It is noteworthy that this latest case was the only one among the deceased that was an On – Campus student, the rest were Off – Campus.”

The Dean further stated that: “The case of the two young ESUT students who died somewhere in a Lodge in Enugu town is still under investigation. What could we have done to stop that tragedy? Meanwhile, immediately, we got the information,we held meetings with our security committee on these matters. We asked them to sensitise all Off-Campus students about the use of Generators and such other possible risk factors. We ask: How many families have been lost to the cold hands of death as a result of Generator fumes across the States in Nigeria and how many have been shut down ? It is a tragedy and we are doing our best to keep our people alive and well.

“About the remaining two cases , still under investigation, they were said to have died of certain undisclosed ailments which they tried to tackle, in town, through self- medication. May they all Rest- In-Peace. Amen!

“Meanwhile, in view of our cosmology, whereby, we believe strongly, in the influence or effect of the spiritual upon the material, we have reached out to Pastors asking for forgiveness and for divine intervention in regard to an end to such tragedies.”

Professor Udenta maintained that the school management had expected the student body to engage with them and not to declare a shutdown of the school.

“What we had expected from NANS ZONE F is an appropriate synergy based on consultation and consolation in a time like this, not a declaration of Shut Down – which circumstances declare , is of questionable integrity and, accordingly, null and void.

“Finally, while we mourn our dead and continue to seek divine assistance, we ask our dearly beloved students to get ready for our Cultural Week and subsequently, our Final and Second Semester Exams. We ask our students to stand strong in defense of ESUT. ESUT IS OURS! The Struggle Continues! Vitoria a Certa ! ESUT is better than their own institutions, if they do have any. We shall not be distracted!”


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