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Coalition of Civil Society Organisations, CSOs, on Wednesday, stormed Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital Enugu, protesting the continued closure of the school of Post Basic Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing by the Medical Director, Dr. Monday Igwe.

The school which is the only school of mental nursing in the entire South East and also serves students from some parts of South South and North Central was closed by Dr. Igwe since June, 2023.


The school afterwards, had remained closed and this was the reason for the protest by the coalition that gave Igwe 72 hours to reopen the school.

Numbering over 200, the coalition led by Comrade Onyebuchi Igboke called on the Minister of Health, Prof. Pate Ali, Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF,) and other relevant agencies to as a matter of urgency intervene in the matter.

The protesters who displayed several placards with inscriptions such as ‘Monday Igwe we are tired of you’; ‘Monday Igwe go and answer corruption charges against you and leave the students and Staff alone’ Monday Igwe open our school so that we can write our final exams’ professor Ali Pate Save us from Monday Igwe’ amongst others.

The protesters said they’re unhappy with the continued closure of the School and insisted that the Medical Director has no right to close the School and jeopardize the future of the students.

Addressing Newsmen, Igboke stated that the Hospital is not the CMD’s family business and as such, he should not behave as if he is above the federal government.

He called on the Minister of Health, Prof. Ali Pate to intervene in the crisis that has rocked the hospital for some time now.

According to him, “we are here today to call on the new Minister of Health to beam his searchlight on the MD of the hospital, Prof. Igwe,”

They insisted that the CMD must go so as to allow peace return in the federal government owned institution.

Other placards displayed by the protesters read: “Monday Igwe must step aside for investigation; Monday Igwe, obey court order; Monday Igwe, stop turning the institution into family business.

Igboke, equally accused Igwe of issuing 20 queries to staff of the hospital especially those who are not from his area.

The activist, requested that Igwe should step aside to be investigated over alleged corrupt charges against him.

“What we are saying is that Monday Igwe’ should step aside, so that the federal government can investigate all the corruption and abuse of office petitions against him.”

Reacting, the MD Prof. Igwe said he was not aware of any demonstration against him.

“I am not aware of any protest or demonstration at the hospital. I have inquired and they told me there was no protest. Maybe it was an arrangement or something,” he said.

On the closure of the School of Nursing, Igwe explained that the school was not closed but that the Medical Council withdrew accreditation from the school which he has been fighting to return.

“The School is not closed. Go there and see if the school is closed. What happened is that the accreditation was withdrawn by the Council and I am doing everything possible to ensure that the accreditation is restored. There is difference between withdrawal of accreditation and closure of the school.”

However, his claim is at variance with a letter signed by the Director of legal Services, Ministry of Health on 10th August, 2023, which directed him (Dr. Igwe) to reopen the school immediately.


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