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By Ugochimereze Chinedu Asuzu

“Those who want the government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination.” -Harry S. Truman

This piece is intended to be brutal and straight forward, I have no intention whatsoever to analyze this political realities with as much as any form of preference for any political party or gubernatorial candidate, rather to x-ray the realities on ground, the cacanphony of voices, plethora of alignments and the hyped ululations notwithstanding. This is me not playing politics, rather stating the obvious. I have no doubt in my mind that my positions or analysis would be faulted by individuals who write to pander to sentiments or defend their principals, and they are welcome to the deepening of the discourse and or give impetus to third party narratives, which would pretty much enrich the discourse and serve as necessary interpolation of ideas.

However, this particular pen dotting down theses lines is not for hire, to the extent at which we are bonded to serve as the conscience of truth for the purpose of this critical analysis.

Therefore, we urge that the narratives or content of this expository writing be viewed from the side of the prism of an unbiased political analyst, that seek to state the obvious and not for or against any political party or gubernatorial candidate.

The quote above is attributed to Harry S. Trumann, an American politician and farmer who served as the 33rd president of the United States, from 1945 to 1953, before offering himself to serve as president he already served meritoriously as the 34th vice president from January to April 1945 under one of the greatest American presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, he was a United States senator from Missouri from 1935 to January 1945. Trumann assumed the presidency of America at a most turbulent political period in American political history, taking over after the death of Franklin Roosevelt. His position as captured succinctly in the quote above is purely and patently descriptive of the position or expectations of the Nigerian people most times in relation to political activities, they tend to mistake politicians for moral harbingers or expect that they be sanctimonious or of ultimate moral standing. They’re politicians and not religious leaders, politicians are moved by interest, while religious leaders are moved by sentiments, emphathy or moral rectitude.

Government essentially is meant to regulate the affairs of the people as it concerns their welfare, the physical infrastructures and other essentials that aides lives and living, most times they are expected to do things for the people that ordinarily they should do for themselves. Such stuffs which people do for themselves are usually the ability to stand-up to intimidation or tyranny, the right to openly express themselves against government policies and programs they find offensive or anarchic; these expressions finds fulfilment only when the people are resilient and expressive about them.

The essence of showcasing the background formation of Truman before furnishing us with the quote attributed to him, which I intend using as the pivot for this analysis that bothers principally on the chances of the political gladiators offering themselves either to continue as incumbent or to unseat the incumbent in the office of the governor of Imo state was intentional, so as to deepen the understanding of what is expected in or from politicians. Most times we tend to have overbloated expectations, hence when our expectations are not met we cry blue murder. You don’t expect from a politician what you rather expect from a priest and not get roundly disappointed, because the formation for both professions differs significantly.

Suffice it to state here, that my analysis here has absolutely no bearing on my political party persuasion, rather an unbiased political expression that should not be misconstrued. My political party affiliation comes secondary in this analysis, owing to the fact that I intend it to be thoroughly objective and nonpartisan for personal reasons.

The intention at leaving it in such objective appraisal devoid of any trappings of subjective entanglements is because it is my first series concerning the political situational imperatives of the November 11th gubernatorial election of Imo state, more writeups would follow back to back, but we intended serving this dish blindfolded from partisan consideration, or personal political preference. That way we analyse the germane issues, the true political situation and the scruples of the situational political manoeuvres and intrigues without bias. Afterwards, we may choose to defend the course for which we share emotional attachment or sentiments, but certainly not for this analysis.

Perhaps borrowing a leaf from Mark Anthony, in Julius Caesar, at the funeral of Ceaser, for those who are lovers of the Julius Caesar movie, it is in act 111, scene 2, where it was recorded of Anthony saying: “*I have not come to praise Ceaser but to bury him*”, an indicator to the salient fact that he was not given to rhetorics at the time, rather for the business of the day, stating the obvious and not in the business of painting words or pandering to sentiments.

Hence Brutus who thrusted the sword into Ceaser to actualize his death, himself a trusted ally to Ceaser at his burial did speak saying: “*Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men? As Caesar loved me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honour him: but, as he was ambitious, I slew him.*” Such is the character of politicians most often than not, so know what and how you expect of them to be what they are not trained to be. Meaning to suggest that he believed he did what he did to his friend Ceaser purely for the greater good of the kingdom than for personal phileo affinity with Ceaser.

Politicians fight to remain relevant, part of which inform their attitude and influence their character, hence some of what some politicians accuse others of, if given the opportunity the one had to their disadvantage they are most likely to succumb and accept irrespective of their preference or assumed orientation. Haven’t you wondered sometimes how some politicians change automatically from whom they were before assuming office to what they couldn’t have been imagined to being? So, let’s forget sentiments and tackle the germane issues concerning political power and politicians, particularly in our clime.

For the purpose of this analysis, I’ll opt to pick on four political parties and their candidates, without prejudice to others and not intended to denigrate or diminish their chances at the polls, for power, particularly in this part of the world where religion hold very entrenched position in the consciousness of her citizens is given by God, we can only forecast, analyse, criticise and ultimately predict, but this God who gives power to whomever he desires would somehow and in some ways throw up anyone to power irrespective of how prepared or not they are. Judging from some happenings already in the political atmosphere of our country, in sync with the reality of our state Imo, we can always authoritatively infer that anything can happen in political power grabbing in Nigeria.

However, everyone has the right to own opinion or even predict or prophesy the type of president, senator, rep member, governor, assembly member or LGA chairman they wish for; unfortunately we have all seen, noticed and experienced that it just doesn’t happen most often as we wished: “*if wishes were horses beggars sure will ride*” Hence we are not going to allow sentiments to becloud our sense of objectivity in this analysis.

The political parties and candidates we intend using for this analysis are:
1. Action Alliance (AA) – Gen. Lincoln Ogunewe (RTD).
2. Labour Party (LP)- Dist. Sen. Athan Achonu (Agu-Otu-Aka).
3. People’s Democratic Party (PDP) – Dist. Sen. Samuel Nnaemeka Anyanwu (SamDaddy).
4. All Progressive Alliance (APC)- Dist. Sen. Hope Uzodimma (Onwa).

In no particular order, these four political parties and their candidates are the focal point of this expository analysis, and we shall pretty much do justice to this without pandering to sentiments or emotional attachment, but purely for how we see them and their chances in the forthcoming Imo gubernatorial elections coming up in about less than two months time.

Yours sincerely assures all that we shall bring to bear the very best of our articulations in serving this dish, such that we implore us to follow the narratives which would come in parts. This being the part one here serves as the introductory part. Hence other preambles would be entertained, but away from this the full throttle would be sustained going forward.

The truism in relativism playing itself out in the realities of the happenings, Imo state fast becoming the melting pot of very strange judicial interpretation, judging by what was, now is and expectedly yet coming. The hindsight of which further enriches the judicial lexicon of Nigerian legal jurisprudence, the activities and preponderance of such weird judicial interpretations notwithstanding, the accusations and counters of the behind the scenes manoeuvres yet a study in topsy turvy, the perfect narrative being the need to unravel the masquerades behind the facade, a situation that throws up the magnitude of the personality (s) that could whimsically hold the judges spellbound to the point of allowing their arms twisted to the extent for which it became apparent that something omnibus in content and interpretation has become the hallmarks of the underpinnings of nocturnal affiliation (s), which gave rise to the pronouncements that’s found travesty in content and evaluation, which likewise throws up the question, if the Nigerian judiciary is for hire to the highest bidder or there is a sort of peculiarity with the Imo situation, or that a precedence of a sort has been established or deeply entrenched in reality to the Imo situation.

Now, away from the razmatazz or subterfuge of the Imo political conundrum, the analysis of the four gubernatorial candidates follows accordingly. Next would be to delve into the analysis proper, beginning with the first candidate as listed above, who happens to be the candidate of the Action Alliance (AA), Gen. Lincoln Ogunewe (RTD). Stayed tuned for more details.

1. ACTION ALLIANCE (AA)- General Lincoln Ogunewe (RTD)

To be continued………

© Ugochimereze


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