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The National mother body of all Online Newspaper, Online Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria OMPAN, Delta state Correspondence Chapter has congratulated the newly elected and inaugurated State Excos led by Comrade Churchill Oyowe.

In statement signed by the chairman, Comrade Legacy and the Secretary, Comrade Akpovoke Treasure Otiti, noted that their emergence no doubt represented the choice of all journalists in the state.

They commended the process that brought them in, and urged them to be transparent and fair in all their dealings without discriminations, segregation and favouritism.

“You worked hard and believed in your popularity which really came through for you, therefore we also want you to fulfill all your promises and be transparent in all you do.

“On behalf of all of us, we wish the new leadership a fruitful, purposeful and successful tenure towards moving NUJ Delta state to a greater height.

Comrade Legacy

Comrade Akpovoke Otiti


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