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Mr. Agodi Kanu
…As Mr. Agodi Kanu Threatens To Arrest Journalist With Police If He Doesn’t Drop The Story

The National president of the Alumni Association of the Institute of Management and Technology, Mr. Agodi Kanu alongside four others of the association has been suspended over alleged alleged corruption, high-handednes and total disregard to the constitution of the body.

The General Assembly known as the Integrity Group of IMT Alumni said their action was a product of the emergency session of the assembly held on the 17th of November, 2023 and after petitions has been written to the management of the school.

Briefing newsmen on Monday, the acting National President of the association, Comr. Ibelan Precious Chijioke, said their action became necessary as they can’t stomach happenings in the body, under Mr, Agodi Kanu which he said was “characterized by Corruption, inept leadership, high-handedness, vindictiveness, non adherence to constitutional stipulations and above all arrogance of the highest degree.”

Comr. Ibelan said their expectation that Mr. Agodi Kanu who was elected Chairman on March 2023, will bring his experience as Secretary General for almost 30 years was dashed as he has for the “umpteen times shown his penchant for financial recklessness and embezzlement which was demonstrated in the millions of naira squandered in a fantom inauguration dinner party.”

“This reckless spending was also demonstrated in what he called retreat in which he connived with some Executive Members to withdraw almost another one million naira from the association account. In a bid to write-off the one million naira, he fixed money for those he called resource persons and one would wonder what a resource person would teach on how to run an alumni.

The General Assembly known as the Integrity Group of IMT Alumni further accused Mr. Agodi Kanu of not prioritizing the welfare of the students, but has been seeking for ways to exploit them and impose ridiculous fees on them.

“It’s quite disturbing and disheartening that after six months down the line of this distrust leadership, no single benefit for the students has been initiated.
The only thing he came up with to propose 5,000 naira as Alumni Fee, this Proposal was opposed by some persons including the Vice President Comr. Monday Diamond Ani. He also wanted to force the students to buy into insurance policy at five thousand Naira and build a public convenience where the students will be charged a fee to use which was again opposed by the duo of the vice president Mr Monday Diamond Ani and the National deputy Publicity Secretary Mr Onah Joseph. The opposition by the two set the tone for hatred for them.”

Highlighting the ridiculous expenses, Ibelan added that “all that Agodi & his co travelers have done is to junket all over Nigeria in the name of courtesy calls thereby wasting scarce funds of the union.

“Mr Agodi connived with the Legal Adviser of the Alumni to Withdraw 296,000 for the registration of the Alumni Association at the Corporate Affairs Commission, when it is obvious that CAC Registration of Organization is just 90,000. Almost 545,000 was expended by Mr Agodi through Mrs Joy Nwagbara the Welfare Director 1 on unproductive general meeting on the month of October.

On the breach of due process, Ibelan added that “Mr Agodi in a bid to hide his track of corruption quickly identified Diamond & Onah who are opposed to his penchant to steal and arrogantly suspended them without due process.

“It’s on record that the mother chapter, Enugu where the two suspended members are from, wrote a letter of appeal after the elders met but in his arrogant manner, he tore the letter to shreds boasting that nothing will happen as he has the IMT management on his side.

“The illegal and unconstitutional Appointment of vice Presidents in different regions without prior notice and ratification of the General Assembly, conspiracy and illegal withdrawal of millions of Naira from the Alumni Account for unaccounted and inconsequential expenditures and fraudulently aiding the Director of Welfare 1, from rendering account of the Abakaliki Retreat.”

“Most shockingly, over 8million naira has been budgeted and withdrawn from the Alumni purse for the said IMT at 50 celebration.

All effort made to counsel and advise Mr President failed because he always state to have the backing of the management.
TAlso suspended alongside Mr. Agodi kanu are Metuh John, former Financial Secretary for embezzlement of fund and corruption by aiding and abetting illegal withdrawal of fund from the IMT Alumni Account.
Emmanuel Ezeani (scatter), former Secretary General for mismanagement of fund, illegal application of the Alumni Constitution, omitting the opinions of the Exco Members in the minutes of the meeting just to suit his pay master the former President
Mr Silas Ozioko (Legal adviser) for conspiracy with the President in registering the Association with the sum of 290,000 instead of 90,000 that is the registration fee at CAC,
doctoring the report of the Constitution amendment committee.
Mrs Joy Nwagbara Welfare 1 for failing to give any financial account since

“On this note, the General Assembly through this mandate has graciously appointed the following persons into acting Capacity;”

13 Barr John Nwafor (Legal Adviser)

They urged the management of IMT to henceforth seize any financial transaction with the former president and four suspended persons. while calling on the relevant on the security Agencies, Enugu State Government, to look into the Alumni Account and make the affected persons account for the 10s of millions of Naira acquired from the payment of Alumni fees by the graduating students.

When contacted for his reaction, Mr. Agodi Kanu said “nobody can suspend me, i don’t know of any group that has the right to suspend me.” When probed further on the allegations raised against him, he said “those things a fallacies and let me just advise you, i have a petition already approved by the IGP before zone 9 and against the sponsor and whoever that’s writing anything should be ready to face the panel raised by the IG and whoever that’s writing must be picked up.

When reminded that he’s threatening a journalist doing his legitimate work, he stuttered “i don’t fall to this, go ahead and publish your story and be ready to face it.

He further threatened to hide under the cyberbullying law to deal with the journalist should he go ahead to publish the story. When he was tutored on what the law states and why his threat holds no water, he quickly changed it to “threat to my life” and reminded our correspondent that he has written to the Enugu police command on this and should he go ahead with the story, he will add it to his avalanche of evidence.


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