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High Chief Ozo Jerry Patrick Onukaibe

Despite what appears to be a strong opposition, congratulatory messages have begun to pour in for Igwe-elect of Mburubu Community, High Chief Ozo Jerry Patrick Onukaibe who was elected for the ancient throne.

Chief Ozo Onukaibe was presented to the Nkanu East Local Government Chairman recently which ignited serious controversies, but the youths and other indigenes of the community have narrated how the Mburubu General Assembly arrived at the choice of Chief Ozo Jerry Patrick Onukaibe.

The Mburubu General Assembly had since unanimously accepted the candidature of Chief Ozo Jerry Patrick Onukaibe.

Arc. Chijioke Nwachukwu , the chairman of the General Assembly, in his congratulatory message, described Chief Ozo Onukaibe as the right choice to occupy the ancient throne of Igwe Mburubu kingdom.

“We the members of Mburubu General Assembly worldwide, would like to extend our congratulatory greetings to Your Royal Highness, Igwe Jerry Patrick Onukaibe for your successful election as the Igwe-elect and ultimately the Ezedioramma I of Mburubu Kingdom, It is our prayer that your reign will foster Peace, unity and prosperity for the entire Kingdom.”

The Chairman was full of praises for the other candidates to the throne. “We highly value the close mutual cooperation and the collaboration within the other candidates for a fruitful outcome and consequently see the future opportunities and challenges along the same lines where we shall work closely together for supports and build a common ancestral community that is affluent and protected securely for the betterment of all citizenry and for the other neighbourhood Kingdoms around us.

“We are highly grateful to the sons and daughter of Mburubu Community for their outstanding engagement and consistencies during the election process and their continued cooperation to the Igwe-elect.

“Furthermore, we appreciate the solidarity demonstrated by all the candidates towards the screening exercises and the ability in strengthening the unity of our community. This connotes the sincerity, honesty, genuineness, authenticity, dependability and legitimacy that were demonstrated by all the candidates in responding to the call for nominations for the vacant stool,” he said.

Ozo Eze Philip Aniobi in his short message felicitated with the people of Mburubu even as he described the emergence of Chief Ozo Onukaibe as Igwe-elect as divine. “The people of Mburubu made a great choice and the community will not regret the decision. I wish our new Igwe decades of prosperous reign for the community, the state and country at large.”

Another Community man who doesn’t want his name in press said, “I’m extremely happy about the news of Chief Ozo Onukaibe’s election as Igwe-elect of Mburubu kingdom and I wish the community and the new Igwe-Elect all the best while we look forward to a robust reign.

Nzuko Ndi Ozor Mburubu has already adopted Chief Onukaibe as the Igwe-elect and urged the State Governor Peter Mbah to issue him certificate of recognition without delay.

Chief Ozo Onukaibe after his election, paid tribute to the late Igwe Ozulumba “Today represents a remarkable step forward in re-setting the milestone that was firmly established by our gone but not forgotten Igwe. By the infinite mercy, grace and guidance of Almighty God, I reiterate my commitment to lead in the frontline and synergise with all home and abroad in fulfilling the aspirations of our people for a rapid urbanised social, economic and industrialised Mburubu kingdom that will be a positive reference among equals in our immediate environment to the pride of you all.”


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