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The Anambra State Police command has frowned at a report suggesting that 19 rifles are missing in the state.

A publication titled ‘Fear in Anambra Community over missing 19 rifles’ had gone viral on social media.

However, the command’s spokesperson, SP Ikenga Tochukwu said the publication is meant to “promote personal agenda and seek attention.

“The Command notes the unprofessional attitude of some media persons who deliberately published stories to achieve a selfish interest, especially without recourse to the authority’s concern.

“It is disheartening that when you go through the report, is clear that a case of such magnitude was not reported to any security agency or any concerned authority.

“Therefore, the Command sees it as information targeted to cause tension in the state, to promote a rift between two groups, and personal agenda but will be investigated.”

Ikenga also stated that “the Command shall continue to work with other security agencies and Other recognized Stakeholders to enforce the law, maintain Public Order & Public Safety, and Support Services in the State.”


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