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The organised Labour in Abia State has tackled Governor Alex Otti over what they described as “renewed onslaught of Executive rascality by government appointees on Abia workers.”

This is even as the Organized Labour comprising the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and the Joint Negotiating Council (JNC) said their members won’t participate in the on-line uploading of documents by the Head of Service through Government Special Public announcement.

The organised Labour in a communiqué issued at the end of their meeting on the 23rd May, 2024,  accused the Otti-led Abia government of taking decisions affecting workers without their input.

The communiqué was signed by Com. Okoro Ogbonnaya, NLC State Chairman; Com. Emma Alozie (JP), NLC State Secretary; Com. Sir Enogwe Ihechi, TUC State Chairman; Com. George S. Okogbue, TUC State Secretary; Com. Innocent Believed, JNC State Chairman and Com. By Madubuko JNC State Secretary

They maintained that: “the on-line uploading of documents and its undisclosed hidden packages would make Abia workers easy target to hackers and also, “the on-line uploading of documents and its consequences is akin to Labour enslavement.”

In their 6-point resolution, they said that tye exercise without the input of labour is a slight in the organised Labour by the government and insisted that the process must be put on hold.

Below is the statement in full:


Recall that the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) Abia State Council and Trade Union Congress (TUC) on 10th and 11th May, 2024 respectively, made a press announcement directing the State Civil and Public Servants in the Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs) and the seventeen (17) Local Government Councils not to embark on on-line uploading of their documents as directed by the Head of Service through Government Special Public announcement.

In an all-inclusive Organized Labour meeting, comprising the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and the Joint Negotiating Council (JNC); The Organized Labour in-session deeply analyzed the prevailing extensive hardship and deprivation afflicting the Abia workers. The Organized Labour scrutinized the State Government’s failure to establish essential structures to address the widespread suffering in our families. Furthermore, it considered the State Government deliberate neglect and disregard for engaging with the stake holders (the umbrella body that covers the workforce) the Organized Labour through the channels of social dialogue, a commitment it had solemnly declared even before May 29, 2023. It further examined the renewed threat and danger the latest uploading of documents portends on the security of the workers.

Consequently, the Organized Labour in-session observed that whereas:

1. The State Government has refused to engage the Organized Labour on the consequences of the unfortunate hike in the price of petrol which has unleashed massive suffering on the Abia workers.

2. There is a renewed onslaught of Executive rascality by government appointees on Abia workers.

3. The State Government has flagrantly refused to engage the Organized Labour to look into the grey areas of the on-line uploading of documents.

4. The on-line uploading of documents and its undisclosed hidden packages would make Abia workers easy target to hackers.

5. The on-line uploading of documents and its consequences is akin to Labour enslavement.

6. The exercise is covered with a lot of secrecy which has made it difficult for Government to discuss it with the Organized Labour.

7. The numerous changes being introduced in Civil Service without recourse to the Civil Service Rules.

8. Verification exercise in the State which has become too many while the welfare packages of the workers are neglected.

9. That previous verification exercises left most Abia workers with heavy burden of unpaid salaries of 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, etc.

Consequently, the State Organized Labour in-session resolved as follows:

1. That the earlier position of Labour on this issue is sacrosanct.

2. That it still viewed as a slight on the side of the Organized Labour for Government to organize such a sensitive exercise for workers without recourse to the workers leadership.

3. That on our own as leaders of the workers, we would not fold our hands and watch Abia workers being taken into Labour slavery.

4. That it still views the exercise as retrogressive to earlier vision of the Governor to fish out ghost workers from the system.

5. That another on-line uploading of documents is another financial burden to the workers; faced with various financial challenges without review of their take home packages.

6. That their earlier position, that Government should as a matter of urgency put the exercise ON HOLD till grey areas around the exercise is tidied up subsists to avoid industrial crisis in the State.

Therefore, the State Organized Labour in-session finally resolved that no Abia worker in the MDAs and seventeen (17) Local Government Areas should present his or her self for any form of on-line uploading of documents as those who did discovered there are other hidden packages which the organizers refused to disclosed before the exercise.


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