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Rev. Fr. Paul Danbaki Jatau, Ph.D

Dear Honourable Members,

I hope this letter finds you well and in good health. Firstly, allow me to extend my gratitude for your relentless commitment to serving the people during these challenging times. With admiration and hope, I address you today to express the concerns and aspirations of your constituents and remind you of the significant responsibility that lies on your shoulders.

Over the years, our beloved state has endured the burdens inflicted upon it by an anti-people administration. Our society has suffered from countless abuses of human rights, predominantly driven by those who should have been protectors of the people. Moreover, we have tragically witnessed an alarming number of abandoned projects, leading to the stagnation of our progress and hindering our collective prosperity.

In the face of such adversity, you, as representatives of the people, have embarked on a courageous journey. Your formidable task of probing the administration of Mallam Nasir El-Rufa’i, seeking justice and accountability, has not gone unnoticed. We understand the challenges you face, the adversity that looms, and the courage it takes to confront such powerful forces. Your dedication, in and of itself, deserves commendation.

The entire world is watching, waiting with bated breath, and praying for a just outcome to emerge from your efforts. As you engage in this arduous pursuit, I implore you to create a history—a figurative channel that will forever alter the landscape of our state—leading us towards a brighter future.

Let this probe eradicate corruption, and cement the relationship between the southern and Southern parts of the State. Let Kaduna State be a land where human rights flourish, where the vulnerable find protection and justice is accessible to all. Most importantly, let it be a place where abandoned projects are revived, as symbols of our commitment to progress, development, and the ultimate empowerment of our people.

This exercise of “probing” entails more than just words; it demands resolute action. It requires relentless dedication, an unwavering commitment to your roles as public servants, and the courage to stand tall against all odds. Remember that the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of millions rest upon your shoulders.

The road ahead may be fraught with challenges, and at times it may seem insurmountable. However, we firmly believe in your ability to rise above adversity and create a history for us all. Your constituents, young and old, impoverished and wealthy, await eagerly for justice to prevail.

Honourable Members of the State House of Assembly, I beseech you to seize this historic opportunity and shape a future that we, as a society, deserve. Make no mistake; the weight of our expectations is great, but so too is the potential for positive change within your grasp.

Let it be known that we stand united, offering our unwavering support as you embark on this noble quest. The whole world is watching, waiting, and hoping for a brighter, fairer, and more inclusive tomorrow. Chronicle a history for yourselves, for us, and for generations yet to come.

With unwavering hope,


Rev. Fr. Paul Danbaki Jatau, Ph.D
[email protected]



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