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Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi II, the 16th Emir of Kano, has stated he is unconcerned about the possibility of being removed from his position by another governor.

Sanusi was dethroned in 2020 by former Governor Abdullahi Ganduje after a personal conflict. Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf reinstated him, but Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, the 15th Emir, is contesting Sanusi’s reinstatement in court.

Speaking to Saturday Sun, Sanusi expressed that only God knows the duration of his reign.

“Even now that I am here, only God knows how long I will be here. I can die tomorrow. Another governor can come tomorrow and say that he has removed me; it doesn’t matter,” Sanusi said.

He added that his main concern is preserving the emirate’s history. “I am happy if he does not touch the emirate. I am happy that I will not leave a history that it was during my time that these 1000 years of history was destroyed. So, I am grateful to this government and this Assembly that they have corrected that, that we have the emirate restored to what it was and Insha’Allah that when I die or when I leave, the person who inherits will inherit what we had. It’s about the system, not about me or any individual.”

Reflecting on his time away from the throne over the past four years, Sanusi shared his perspective on learning from adversity. “Life is always a continuous process of learning and relearning. And for me, I had always believed, as they say, that we should not waste a crisis. So, anytime I have a crisis, it’s an opportunity to do something else.”

Sanusi has remained active during his absence from the throne. “In the last four years, I’ve not been idle. I had just completed writing a PhD Thesis at the University of London, a week before I returned to Kano. I will be returning next month to conclude some things because I will be graduating in September,” he revealed.


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