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Anambra Police Command

The Anambra Police command has reacted to report about the kidnap of Nine fishermen in the state, inviting the relative of any of the purported victims to come forward with any useful information.

The Command in a terse statement by its spokesperson, SP Ikenga Tochukwu, wondered why crime of such magnitude will happen and there’s no report of it in any of the stations on the command.

Ikenga while noting the reactions of many interested parties, assured of the command’s “readiness to deploy investigative assets and partner with any concerned body or interest to help for possible rescue.”

The statement reads:

Anambra State Police Command is aware of trending publications on the alleged incident of Nine fishermen kidnapped in Anambra, and the Command not wanting to join issues with anyone invites the relatives of the victims of the alleged incident to come forward and assist us with necessary information. This shall help us to embark on investigations and drive our decision on security deployment and strategy in the state to prevent such reoccurring if it is true.

The Command expressed shock that a case of such magnitude trending online does not have any link with any Police Formation in the State and also noted the reactions of some alleged interested parties and persons, but is not discouraged by any comments, assuring Its readiness to deploy investigative assets and partner with any concerned body or interest to help for possible rescue.

The Command reiterated its commitment to delivering on its mandate of the protection of lives and property, urges members of the public, especially the eyewitnesses or otherwise with any useful information in this regard are advised to call the Command Control Room at 07039194332 or the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) at 08039334002, please.

SP Tochukwu Ikenga
Police Public Relations Officer,
Anambra State Command,
16th June, 2024


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