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The son of President Bola Tinubu, Seyi Tinubu, has commended the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria for its remarkable role in working for the unity of the country.

Tinubu, who gave the commendation during the episcopal installation of Bishop Simeon Okezuo Nwobi as the substantive Bishop of Ahiara Diocese on Thursday in Owerri, urged the conference to always help, through its congregations, to continue to preach the unity of Nigeria.

Belusochukwu Enwere, Chairman of the Youth Wing of the Christian Association of Nigeria (YOWICAN), who read Tinubu’s speech at the event, also expressed sadness over the recent abduction of a Catholic priest and enjoined the Church to continue to help in the fight against insecurity in the country.

“Let me use this opportunity to commiserate with the CBCN for the unfortunate abduction of priests recently. Let us all join hands together to fight this monster (insecurity) to realise the Nigeria of our dreams,” he said.

“Apart from this, I want to, as well, thank the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) for always working and helping to bring together all the Catholic faithful for the unity and oneness of Nigeria. Thank you, my Lord’s most spiritual and temporal, as you work towards the unity of Catholics, strive to preach to your congregation that the unity of Nigeria is not negotiable.”

Expressing his feelings on the installation of the new Bishop of Ahiara, Tinubu described him as an asset to the Catholic Church and Nigeria as a whole.

“On this most joyous day of your installation as Bishop of Ahiara, I rejoice with you and send you my kindest regards for a continued vibrant and compassionate ministry,” he said.

“May God Almighty give you all the strength and joy you need for this very important ministry in the Church. I am convinced that you will bring unique competence and experience to the House of God owing to your track record, position and many years of strategic leadership.

“You are indeed an asset and will be an asset to the Diocese, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference, but also to Nigeria at large.”


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