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Awgu Local Government Area’s youths, under the auspices of the Awgu Youths Alliance, have celebrated Hon. Fortune Uchenna Ogbonna, recognizing him as one of the foremost minds and youth development experts in the local government. This celebration was disclosed on Wednesday in a congratulatory press statement signed by its coordinator, Hon. Bernard Okafor, and sent to newsmen in Enugu.

The statement highlighted Hon. Ogbonna as a born leader dedicated to visionary leadership. Awgu acknowledged his commitment to youth economic emancipation and prayed for God’s guidance for him.

Additionally, the statement reiterated the youths’ commitment in Awgu Local Government Area to support Hon. Ogbonna’s political aspirations, aimed at achieving a better Awgu.

The statement reads:

The entire youth of Awgu, under the auspices of the Awgu Youths Alliance (AYA), proudly celebrate one of our most illustrious sons, Hon. Fortune Uchenna Ogbonna. A man of remarkable achievements and unwavering commitment to the betterment of society, Hon. Ogbonna’s life story is a testament to the power of dedication, resilience, and visionary leadership.

Hon. Ogbonna’s journey began at the prestigious University of Nigeria Nsukka, where he graduated with a degree in Political Science in 2000. During his time at the university, he showcased his leadership potential by serving as the Senate President of the Student Union Government (SUG), effectively coordinating both the Nsukka and Enugu campuses. His tenure was marked by a series of impactful initiatives that fostered unity and progress within the student community.

Transitioning from academia to the business world, Hon. Ogbonna has made significant strides as an international businessman based in South Africa. His ventures have not only brought personal success but have also created opportunities for countless others, exemplifying his role as a maker of men. His business acumen and ethical practices have set a high standard in the international business community.

In the political arena, Hon. Ogbonna’s passion for service was evident in his bids for the State House Assembly under the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2019 and 2023 general elections’ primaries. Although he was not successful in these attempts, his campaigns were characterized by a clear vision for inclusive development and a commitment to the welfare of his constituents. His perseverance and dedication to public service have only strengthened his resolve to be a voice for the voiceless.

Over the past two decades, Hon. Ogbonna has been a steadfast advocate for youth empowerment. His initiatives have provided countless young people with the tools and opportunities to realize their potential. His total support for education, skill development, and entrepreneurship has transformed many lives and set a blueprint for sustainable youth development.

As a trailblazer, Hon. Ogbonna has consistently broken new ground, setting precedents that inspire and challenge others to aim higher. His innovative approaches to problem-solving and his ability to navigate complex socio-political landscapes have earned him respect and admiration both locally and internationally.

Hon. Ogbonna’s good deeds are not limited to his professional life; he has been a pillar of support in his community. His philanthropic efforts, ranging from scholarships to healthcare initiatives, have addressed critical needs and uplifted the less privileged. His generosity and compassion have made a tangible difference in the lives of many.

The Awgu Youths Alliance acknowledges Hon. Ogbonna’s significant contributions to our community and beyond. His achievements serve as a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration for the youth of Awgu. We are proud to celebrate a man who has consistently demonstrated that true leadership is about service, integrity, and the relentless pursuit of a better future for all.

Hon. Fortune Uchenna Ogbonna’s legacy is a testament to what can be achieved through vision, hard work, and a commitment to the greater good. As we honor him today, we are reminded of the power of one individual’s positive impact on society. His story is a clarion call for us all to strive for excellence and to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of our community.


Hon. Bernard Okafor,
Coordinator, Awgu Youths Alliance (AYA)


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